Need for revolution and reform?

1 My child, if you aspire to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for an ordeal. 2 Be sincere of heart, be steadfast, and do not be alarmed when disaster comes. 3 Cling to Him and do not leave Him, so that you may be honored at the end of your days. 4 Whatever happens to you, accept it, and in the uncertainties of your humble state, be patient, 5 since gold is tested in the fire, and the chosen in the furnace of humiliation.

6 Trust Him and he will uphold you, follow a straight path and hope in Him. 7 You who fear the Lord, wait for His mercy; do not turn aside, for fear you fall. 8 You who fear the Lord, trust Him, and you will not be robbed of your reward. 9 You who fear the Lord, hope for those good gifts of His, everlasting joy and mercy.

10 Look at the generations of old and see: whoever trusted in the Lord and was put to shame? Or whoever, steadfastly fearing him, was forsaken? Or whoever called to Him and was ignored? 11 For the Lord is compassionate and merciful, He forgives sins and saves in the time of distress. 12 Woe to faint hearts and listless hands, and to the sinner who treads two paths. 13 Woe to the listless heart that has no faith, for such will have no protection. 14 Woe to you who have lost the strength to endure; what will you do at the Lord’s visitation?

15 Those who fear the Lord do not disdain His words, and those who love Him keep his ways. 16 Those who fear the Lord do their best to please Him, and those who love Him will find satisfaction in the Law. 17 Those who fear the Lord keep their hearts prepared and humble themselves in His presence. 18 Let us fall into the hands of the Lord, not into any human clutches; for as His majesty is, so too is His mercy. Sirach 2

Where does your hope came from? Where do you set your trust? Does He lead you to His wisdom? Does He give you glimpses of what is to come? How does He instruct you to prepare? Are you able to hear words of comfort? Do you trust Him to give you His strength in your time of need? Do you believe His promises are real? Or do you still doubt? Do you let your fears rule your mind? Are you susceptible to the latest ‘religion’? Whether it be the religion of the “climate change” mob or the “trans- movement” / pedophile agenda or the latest social media fad? Who determines your beliefs? What Truth do you seek? How are you able to discern the real truth of things? Do you just rely on yourself and your opinion? Who’s ‘truth’ do you adopt as you own?

When the ‘Official’ authorities demand that you ONLY listen to them and believe ONLY what they tell you, and anything else is criminal behavior — the clash is near. When those ‘in charge’ are the only ones who can determine what the real ‘truth’ is — the chaos is near. Does no one ever study history anymore? The elites versus everyone else has been going on since the time of Genesis. The saying ‘power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’ has some real evidence. Man’s heart is desperately wicked.  “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9  Only God really knows the hearts of individuals. 

Do you think those in power are just going to roll over and give up their ‘riches and control’? Or do you think there will be even more desperate measures unleashed on the common people? Who said “Never let a crisis go to waste?” Do you think all these latest disasters are the ‘hand of God’? Or do you think it is the ‘hidden powers’ carefully choosing where and who to target with their latest power abilities? Discerning exactly where the attack is actually coming from …can be very powerful information. And those hidden do NOT want to be exposed! How does one combat evil? By dragging it into the Light. Our current American Government has become an institution of lies and secrecy. Transparency? Certainly they ‘talk’ about it — but never do it. Just like we’ve seen for the last 70+ years — secret programs and nefarious corrupt actions all for the purposes of power and control for a few elite individuals. Get in their way, or learn too much about their involvement? Be targeted for assassination. Hmm… haven’t we seen the death of some chef’s of some very powerful people die lately? 

The need for a second revolution is now. The need to revert back to the founding principles of our founding documents and have a small volunteer part-time government with the least amount of taxes as possible, and a real value backed currency, with real land ownership free from the government property tax …is now! Where we have decentralized government entities that aren’t under ONE mighty centralized ‘head’. The same goes for big business. We created anti-monopoly laws for a reason. Centralization is a tyrants dream. I no longer trust the large centralized institutions, corporations, and that includes the institutional model denominational “Church”. For the American Church has adopted the model that the ‘bigger the better’ meetings and buildings and the need to build an ‘empire’ and think that this is the ‘God blessed’ way to do things. Is that what Jesus did? Is that what He called us to do? Or did Jesus call us to ‘make disciples’? Why exactly did Jesus give us the Holy Spirit? Did Jesus establish a new religion- OR a way for everyone to have a relationship with His Father?

Where are the one-on-one spiritual mentors who disciple others? Must all teaching come from a pulpit sermon or lecture? Maybe the ekklesia should be about creating spiritual leaders who disciple others on a family scale, on a house to house scale, in a small group setting, and on an intimate one-on-one relationship? We’ve settled to believe that going to a service where you shuffle in like cattle and sit quietly watching a performance and shuffle out like cattle is something that is really ‘spiritual’ and has real depth.

The REAL spiritual depth and meaningful conversations are not IN those settings! They are usually with a very small amount of close friends and individuals, not in a religious performance entertainment hour. That act of attending those services does NOT make you a Christian, just as much as sitting in a garage makes you a car. People need to wake up! The time is short for the crisis, storm, and chaos is here.. now.

This country is in the midst of consequences for it’s sins. God’s judgment often comes in the way of natural consequences of actions. When you promote evil — then devastation shows up. When you mess with trying to control the weather – you have severe unintended consequences. When you promote evil — evil takes over .. and they take over gladly. When you try to circumvent God’s ways for your own ways there comes major detrimental consequences. When you utilize man-made methods then God’s created systems begin to break down. This especially is seen in farming and food processes. When you spread poisons across your fields there will be consequences in the soil and in the plants that are eaten by both animals and humans. This evil process has been spread throughout almost every sector, industry, and area of our country.

So I will restate the key thing we can do as agents for our King. Expose the evil and drag it into the Light. Real transparency is what is needed. Be bold in stating the truth that Jesus has given you. The gospel is the most radical information ever presented to the human race. It causes division and exposes evil for what it is. It also provides an individual the ability to meet with God. It requires believers to repent and confess before God. It provides the message of Truth. When the Church becomes infiltrated with the world — it no longer preaches the Gospel. When the Church is run like the world’s businesses it becomes corrupted with evil. A reformation within the Body of Christ is needed within America. A return to relationship with the living God instead of ritual, and formula. Ritual and formula leads to legalism. Knowing Jesus and following the Holy Spirit leads to freedom in Christ.

What is the answer to how we are to walk, talk, share, and live? Accepting who Jesus is and what He did for you personally. Accepting the Gospel in it’s entirety. Living your life to the instruction from the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit who helps you understand and learn from the Word of God. One must learn how to hear and submit to Him. What authority do you actually obey first? Which authority supersedes all others? If you can’t hear and know that authority — you will follow only your own self interests. You will place self on God’s Throne of your life and deceive yourself that it is the best thing to do. Certainly we have that example blatantly shown by our current country’s leaders. Selfishness reigns supreme in America’s leadership, and it seems also in America’s Churches. Revolution and reform are the processes that eventually will be attempted by the people as the freedom becomes less and less, and slavery becomes the norm for society of the common individual. 

How well do you know the Truth?

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