Two Paths

The mystery was made known to me by revelation, Ephesians 3:3

Oh the differences between human and Holy Spirit inspiration and vision. So many are calling for men of vision and courage in this current time in our culture. But is that ‘vision’ more of a  general sense of enterprise that can inspire movements or by Divine revelation? Is enthusiasm and zeal really the markers of Spirit inspiration, or are they just components needed that result in activities that generate and motivate movements? What is our goal? To actually understand the spiritual mysteries of Christ with greater depth and intimacy — or just have a great ‘enterprise’ that feeds the current religious fervor and man-made institutions?

How do we discern the actual individuals who have been given a ‘calling’ and revelation by the Holy Spirit and are actually ‘chosen vessels’ for His use? WARNING: I’m going to make some possibly controversial statements. In my opinion …there are an increasingly few individuals currently of whom it can be said, “That person has had a real revelation from God. That person is truly inspired by the Holy Spirit.”

Where does the difference come from? The usual path is ‘being saved’, then going into ‘Christian service’ with the resultant studying of the Bible, attending the right Christian services and or schools (Seminaries), and then on to the preparation of sermons, podcasts, videos, lessons, and the collection of information from other sources, mastering the themes and subjects; etc. etc., and then giving it all out as the opportunity affords via social media and invites to speak, and growing an ‘audience’, and a following, or congregation. There is that whole path and the difference of an ‘open heaven’, an ‘anointing’ by the Spirit, and real revelation by the Holy Spirit. 

One has to constantly meet the growing demands and labor and collect all that is needed to maintain that first path. And the second path just has the demand of actually regularly sitting with the Holy Spirit in times of intimate relationship with Him where He constantly reveals more of Christ .. in us. The difference could not be more stark. It is actually the difference between bondage and liberty, between limitation and fullness, even between Life and death in ministry.

The point is … the need of the current hour isn’t a need for more astute charismatic intellectual leaders and speakers in spiritual leadership in general, it is for individuals with a specific revelation directly from the Holy Spirit that will meet the current situation and need… right now.

So what is the solution? To have more of the Body of Christ become ‘plugged’ into the intimate real relationship with the Holy Spirit .. themselves. That there would be a greater remnant of individuals who receive daily ‘revelation’ from the Holy Spirit for their own growth and path in Christ.

Which path are you on?

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