Asleep, Zombie, or Awake?

The divide is increasing. The chasm between God and those who are in rebellion to Him is becoming much more clear. Evil is permeating so many industries, systems, and institutions, and now has become blatantly obvious to anyone who is ‘awake’. The problem is …many more are asleep. There are generations of sleepers. Some sleepers have become zombies… attracted to anything alive with an insatiable desire to destroy that ‘living’ thing. They literally are driven by ‘another’ who has taken over the zombie’s body and now controls it. There actually are Biblical stories depicting this happening. They tend to like the ‘dead’ and places of the dead. Demoniacs like the tombs.

So we have sleepers, zombies, and some who are barely awake. Those people who are now barely awake are in great danger for the war is intense and the enemy is destroying everyone who pops their head up at the wrong time. Then there are the warriors, those who have been awake for awhile now — and are disciplined and listening to their Captain and carrying out strike missions. They work on staying fit for the battles ahead and continue to study the King’s plans and are alert and asking questions. They volunteer for risky missions. They no longer fear death and run with great faith and courage into the battles, swinging the sword of Truth. But they are few, and they are called …the Remnant.

If a person becomes awake — the enemy sets traps for them, to become deceived once again.  The greatest ability a newly awakened individual can have is an ability to hear the Voice of the King for themselves. The relationship with the Coach must become a priority. To hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit becomes a necessity to begin the training to actually navigate the missions they are called to. To become an actual warrior for Him takes discipline and training. It will take humility, courage, and a willingness to accept your failures, and mistakes, and to grow from them after asking for forgiveness of the King.

Now what is the state of the battlefield? The whole earth is the battlefield and the enemy is making moves to take the entire global resources and control them and thereby control the entire population. To make the job easier a plan to depopulate a vast majority of humans is currently underway. How? By many methods. By the air, water, and soil. By corrupting the food and farms. By medical and pharmaceutical methods. By governmental taxation methods. By financial inflationary methods. By social and technological methods. They create division wherever they can. They create hatred of God’s ways and original designs. They look to gain power and influence to lure the masses to the grave. They censor and demean anyone who expresses any type of critical thinking who have good, pointed, and revealing questions. The enemy is against the ‘awake’. The enemy’s goal is complete global centralization of all the resources and systems to be under their control. The enemy works against all decentralization efforts. These decentralization efforts will encounter massive attacks by the enemy. The enemy USES the law and corrupts the law by any means to accomplish their goals. So that their unlawfulness can be seen as ‘lawful’, and then create laws that actually encourage immoral behavior in the eyes of God. The enemy’s goal is to have people as judges who are one of ‘them’. They want their individuals to infiltrate every level of society and government.

How has this happened? By the one force that checks … and stops evil…the real Body of Christ indwelled with the very Presence of the Holy Spirit. So if the Body of Christ is lulled to sleep in the institutions of what is now called the “church” — you have nullified the resistance to evil. If you get the Body of Christ to believe they are still under the old covenant ways — of needing a human priest / pastor to give them spiritual ‘connectedness’ to the Holy Spirit and His Presence — you can keep them ‘asleep’, spiritually .. indefinitely. Religion has become the numbing agent. The current real class of prophets have been sounding the alarm .. and shouting for people to repent! But as usual the enemy just calls them ‘crazy’ and tells the masses to ignore them. Unfortunately many so called ‘spiritual leaders’ / pastors / and professional ministers are also saying what the enemy is saying and calling the prophets .. crazy and that everyone should ignore them.

Look at the gas prices. Look at the food prices. Look at wages. Look at the centralization of things. Everything is moving in a direction to crush the middle class and the poor. But the enemies of God have also launched a myriad of tactics to keep the middle class and the poor to hate one another in many ways. By racial stereotypes. And by any other way to turn people against one another, in the Bible it is called dissensions, rivalries, divisions, and envy.

But if you’re asleep or have become a zombie you see … NOTHING.

Are you awake? Have you begun training? Are you learning how to hear His Voice and commands for yourself? Are you working each day to carry out His plans for you individually? Is the Spirit of God showing you things as He said He would? Is He giving you discernment of the time(s)? What is He telling you to do?

Remember what Jesus said..

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

The way = Jesus

The Truth = Jesus

The Life = Jesus

No one will have eternal life without Jesus. Has He written your name into the Book of Life? 

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