The REAL Body of Christ

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. Matthew 18:20 

This is the Body of Christ. Not the 4 walls institutional model we ALL grew up with. Not the religious systems we were all indoctrinated into. Not the scripted liturgy we were raised on. Not the language manipulated by Church leaders to separate the people from the concept of an institution and building. The ‘Church’ now is seen as something separate from the meetings of two individuals discussing their intimate spiritual relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Church is someplace we are supposed to go to … not be. Yet that’s not what Jesus taught or modeled.

Now when I use the concept of ‘Church’ I don’t even use that word but I use the Greek word ‘ekklesia’ that is translated into the English word ‘Church’. Why? Because when I use the word “Church” people automatically think of a building or a ‘place’, rather than the relationship between followers and disciples of Jesus Christ. We’ve all been indoctrinated to think of Church as a certain way – and not necessarily the scriptural way. Why? Because of our experiences. It’s often all we know.

Now this understanding of the ekklesia is extremely explosive to those employed and entrenched in the institutional model of the Church. This stance and understanding will ALWAYS be met with “but” and “I disagree”  from almost every American institutional Christian.  Most have never seen their experiences with the ekklesia outside of the 4 walls as actually ‘Church’ experiences. They don’t recognize the significance of them. Most only see the “Body” as a formal group with a set liturgy that meets together once a week in a specific place. Yet – “where two or three are gathered in my name…” really is the standard. It is discipleship with the Master in intimate ways, conversations, and questions. Why do people have such a difficult time dealing with this scriptural way of classifying the Body of Christ? Because that’s all they know, and have been taught, and indoctrinated with by the ‘language’ utilized by the current spiritual leaders. All of the uses of the word ‘Church’ is tied to the current 4 walls model and perspective.

As hard as it was for the first Jewish converts to Christianity to adapt — while still trying to bring their old synagogue ways to the church meetings .. which was never Jesus’ plan .. so the modern day American Christian now has the 4 walls tradition indoctrinated into them. But certainly historically the Holy Spirit has been breaking those ‘religious’ rules ever since the first ‘church’ and religious state was established. This is why the institutional model of the ‘Church’ has extreme difficulty with the work of the Holy Spirit.

Where are most of your ‘Church’ experiences coming from? Do you automatically think of the last ‘service’ you were in, or do you think of the last deep and intimate spiritual conversation you had with a friend? Which of those experiences are the most valuable to you? Are you willing for the Holy Spirit to re-program you into different understandings? To ‘see’ the scriptures through His eyes and wisdom? Is He doing that for you or are just listening to someone else’s … revelations?

At the judgment seat there will be NO excuses accepted. Now is the time to allow Him to work in your life. This is day. Begin by being ‘real’, honest, transparent with God in prayer —leaving all the ‘religious’ language behind and just being ‘raw’ with Him. Be yourself. Do you think you can fool God by using different language or by wearing your ‘religious’ mask when you pray to Him? Try also to be ‘real’ with your closest friends who also love Jesus. The book of James has good advice for that.

Be determined to have ‘Church’ more often. Meet with those you love. Pray for them. Love on them. 

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