
This website has had it share of issues in being created. And just lately it seems it has had more weird coding issues, crashes, and breakdown issues than any other of it’s kind. My website designer Robyn has been diligent to continue to remake, reconstruct, debug, and keeping going forward time after time of hurdles and crashes. She has had to remake the website many times as the first ones continued to crash. 

Do I think that the ‘forces’ out there want to hinder this information? Frankly… yes. My whole goal is to get people to the Truth. And introduce people to a life filled and led by the Holy Spirit. Not just religion adopters, or pew sitters, or Church social club attenders, but real disciples of Christ, working everyday to know Him more. To hear Him clearly. To follow their own daily instructions given by the Holy Spirit. This is actually the most dangerous thing one can do against the rising tide of evil.

Just lately the site experienced another coding issue. If you’re a regular reader you might have noticed several posts are now missing. Going to a back up — days previous …obviously would not restore the latest posts. Did I have them somewhere else? No. Doesn’t matter — the message will continue as this platform continues to perform.

My plans for the site with lots of free content and affordable books and merchandise is still there … but even in this simplest form this website is encountering ‘storms’ that have knocked it out. I wonder what it will be like as the site becomes greater populated by products, images, and posts, with more and more readers and visitors? Will it stand the incoming storms?

When all we can do is stand …. then stand. Lean into the wind. Be fierce in your determination to move forward. If you feel led to pray .. then pray.

I think as the timeline counts down even more, so the intensity of warfare will also rise. We must train and discipline ourselves to be ready for the coming storms. When I feel like I’m not worthy of writing, or feel out of sorts, or tired, or beat down, .. I know I need to lean into it and do it anyway. Like today.

Spiritual warfare is real. It’s not easy to deal with …as our enemy actually knows us better than we know ourselves. But so does our Lord and Master. So which one are we going to listen to? The one who hates us or the One Who Loves us?

I feel the urgency of my heart wanting to share the two books I’ve written with all of you. The ones who have read the rough drafts really enjoyed them and were challenged by them. They were written to engage with the reader and to get the reader to be intellectually and emotionally involved in the stories. To bring up questions in their own lives about their own ‘walk and adventures’ with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Hopefully Toyuk will be completed soon and the next book Eutychus will be able to be ready by fall.

If you think of this site — pray for us and this site, and all who are working on these projects.

Current team: Joseph – author, Robyn website / graphics designer, Nathan – editor.

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