Conspiracy Theories?

Climate change? CO2 is …bad?!! Research geo-engineering. Terribly hot spot fires that are so hot they melt the metal in cars (Paradise and Maui fires)? Geo-engineering atmosphere effects and DEWs. Conspiracy theories? The CIA coined the term “conspiracy theory” to demean and belittle anyone who was asking too many critical thinking questions, like with the Kennedy assassination(s), and now the MSM as well (propaganda arm of the government) uses the term for anyone not following their given ‘news narrative’. How many ‘conspiracy theories’ have been proven through the Covid-19 plandemic. The truth is so much more revealing and hard to stomach than most people want to deal with. For if the conspiracy theories are true — then the government is lying along with most of those in charge and disseminating misinformation. Which is exactly what they charge anyone with who says anything different than what they are saying. Fact checkers? Opinion pieces which utilize MSM sources. So if you are ‘fact checking’ something with lies… in the first place? The evil has infiltrated MUCH much further than the institutional Church wants to accept.

Evil doesn’t care about human life. Evil promotes human death, pain, torture, slavery, and blasphemy of God at every opportunity. So many generations have accepted the world’s standards that they can’t even see that death isn’t a good thing for humans. Try the “pro-choice” movement. How many so-called Christians were aghast and angry when Roe V Wade was over turned by the supreme court? Where was the pro-choice movement when the government and big med and big pharma were mandating a needle in every arm? The lies they told about that ‘experimental vaccine’ were HUGE! First it wasn’t even a real vaccine, they had to change the definition of the word ‘vaccine’ so they could call that ‘shot’ a vaccine. Second, it didn’t stop transmission of the virus – and they knew it, but lied about it and persecuted anyone who didn’t get the shot “to save others” (another whooper of a lie). Also it was NEVER FDA approved – not matter what anyone said — for it was all a lie. Why did they lie? (To cover their evil duplicity) Then it was about the ‘science’ and a man named Fauci who claimed he was ‘science’. The arrogance of it all — all the while lying about the entire operation. All of Hollywood lined up to promote the ‘shot’. Giving it to children was the next phase — when all the doctors said that the virus barely if at all affected children. All the data coming in now shows that the shot was way worse than the virus in causing death and permanently damaging immune and cardiac systems. Yet the ‘shot’ is still being rolled out as mandatory for certain schools and industries. The evil lie continues. 

And the majority of pastors in the pulpits were …silent, or promoting the mRNA experimental drug. Some pastors who did take it and promoted it ended up with cardiac issues (Franklin Graham). Do you think the Holy Spirit would promote something to you which would be harmful to your health? How many prayed and then just went on with their ‘feelings’ rather than the uncomfortable Truth the Holy Spirit was trying to share with them? Is it easier to go with the crowd or stand up and be the ‘lone voice’? Many many who took the shot now regret it, but no one now who didn’t take the shot regrets their decision to stand firm. What does that say? Many who took the shot have felt the need to repent before the Lord. Many won’t even listen to that convicting Voice of the Holy Spirit over this issue — but stand firm in their decision. We will all have to stand before Him eventually and none of us will be able to use ANY excuses. Repentance is a GOOD thing and we should get used to it and utilize it as much as possible. For He is faithful to forgive us if we truly repent. We ALL make mistakes.. and unfortunately way more often than we should.

How easy will it be for evil to deceive the institutional Church? By the record of the last few years? Easily. In fact …much of the institutional Church will line their people up for the ‘trains to the camps’. How do you know your pastor isn’t a ‘hireling’? (John 10:12) Do you really know them personally? How well? The lesson of all of this? Be able to clearly discern and obediently follow the Voice of the Holy Spirit within you for yourself and your family. Be bold enough to share with those you love. How many institutional churches teach that? How many show and guide their people in learning that vital spiritual discipline?

How many rich American Christians are ready to die for their faith? I think more than those who are willing to suffer in pain. Yet …Jesus promises His followers tribulation. (John 16:33) His promise is to BE WITH US THROUGH whatever comes our way. Do you know Him well enough to hear Him? Don’t you think He will be with you through the suffering and pain? How far do you trust Him? With little hardship the people become soft and easily manipulated. This the current state the American institutional Church.

Are you ready to stand firm, and suffer for His name? Are you ready to die for His name? What do you need to do to be ready to do that? Don’t be ‘wishing’ for a quick trip out of any pain or suffering by looking for the ‘rapture bus’. This life is REALLY His and not yours if you are one of His. What is He telling you to do to get ready? So many Chinese Christians already know the real cost of knowing Jesus and following Him. Do you? 

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