Christian Bubble?

And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:39

Bubble Christianity. Live in the bubble, stay in the bubble, don’t ever talk about things outside of the bubble. Only speak of ‘positive’ things. Is ignorance really righteousness? Does Jesus give only ‘positive’ messages? Does the Holy Spirit only encourage? What did Jesus tell His disciples directly? (Matthew 10:21-23, Matthew 24:9, Luke 6:22, Luke 21:17, Acts 9:16, etc)

Suffering is inevitable for a REAL follower of Jesus Christ. The enemy WILL attack real members of His Body. If all you know is ‘cotton candy’ Christianity — then you’re not actually living the Christian life, you’re in a man-made bubble.

The path of suffering is something at some point you will have to deal with in your own life IF you are actually following Him. Often one may not always recognize that the suffering you are encountering is because of your faith in Him. The sufferings being so manifold and diverse that there seems to be no relationship at all with your Christian life. At the same time whether we can discern it or not … that is the path of a disciple of Christ, which is suffering and trial.

If we delay and postpone actually settling this in ourselves in our minds and spirit, then it is a state of ‘hoping’ that adversity won’t come our way and we will get a wrong perspective of the events happening in our lives. Whether we blame others or ourselves our spiritual maturity is stunted by the process of not discerning it correctly. Thus giving the enemy ground to destroy whatever we stand on in our testimony of faith. Because we allow them (the enemy) to bring guilt, shame, and confusion of His love towards us, when we don’t rightly discern the attacks and suffering.

Isn’t the ‘cup of His salvation’ also the cup of His blood? Isn’t it our redemption? Doesn’t His cup also speak to us about our ‘fellowship’ with His suffering? Too many are led to believe that the Christian Cruise line ship club church is nothing but fun, and positive. This is the state that Paul speaks to when he addresses the ‘milk’ and ‘meat’ of the Word. People aren’t being fed ‘meat’ and weighty issues of following Jesus within their comfortable entertainment seats / pews / deck chairs.

Please wake up. The fellowship of His sufferings brings praise and glory to His Name to the individual who rightly discerns their situation via the Holy Spirit within them and responds correctly to the suffering through the mature fruit of the Spirit. So prayers for full deliverance from adversity and difficulties which is causing your suffering will not be answered the way you want or expect them to be a answered. Forms of sufferings may change, and trials may come in all sorts of different ways, but the lessons learned correctly from them will bring Him glory, and a spiritual maturity to the bearer. The enemy will NEVER become our ‘friend’ while we are a ‘friend’ of Jesus Christ. The enemy will NEVER give their support to the path and instructions the Holy Spirit has given us. Understand that and settle that in yourselves. Know that hardships will come. Suffering will come. Adversity will happen. Don’t be entangled and trapped in the Christian ‘bubble’ mentality.

Learn how to directly hear the Spirit of God within you, so you don’t have to rely on other ‘voices’ for your path and spiritual life.

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