Word studies and Holy Spirit paths.

And because iniquity shall be multiplied, the love of the many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12

What does it mean for “the love of many shall wax cold”? The words ‘wax cold’ come from the Greek word psuchó meaning to cool, or to grow cold. Biblehub explains it this way, “The verb “psuchó” is used in the New Testament to describe the process of growing cold, often in a metaphorical sense. It is associated with a decrease in fervor or intensity, particularly in the context of love or spiritual zeal. The term implies a transition from warmth to coldness, suggesting a loss of passion or commitment.” In the cultural and historical background Biblehub has this to say, “In the ancient world, temperature was often used metaphorically to describe emotional or spiritual states. Warmth was associated with life, passion, and vitality, while coldness suggested death, apathy, or indifference. The concept of “growing cold” would have resonated with early Christian communities as a warning against spiritual complacency and the dangers of allowing external pressures or internal struggles to diminish their love and commitment to God and one another.”

Iniquity growing or multiplied in many people is given as the reason for this ‘cooling’ of love within them. The Greek word for iniquity here is anomia meaning lawlessness, iniquity, disobedience, and sin. Biblehub explains it this way, “In the New Testament, “anomia” refers to a state of being without law, or more specifically, living in violation of God’s law. It denotes a willful disregard for God’s commandments and a lifestyle characterized by sin and rebellion against divine order. The term is often used to describe moral and spiritual corruption, highlighting the contrast between God’s holiness and human sinfulness.”

This is basically an outright contempt for God. Here we have things that describe this time like complacency, apathy, and indifference. But these lead to further attitudes of rebellion against God, and spiritual corruption. What really is happening? The growth of religion versus really having a real relationship with God. Religion is a human construct not God’s. It is our flesh … exalting itself over God. Basically it is us making an ‘idol’ that we worship instead of God.

Do you ever have a scripture just pop into your head? What do you do when that happens to you? Do you explore it further? Do you do research and dig into the meaning? Do you ask the Holy Spirit to explain it to you? Do you ask how you are affected by the scripture and if you have any personal responsibility to it? Maybe the Holy Spirit is showing you a ‘path’ He wants you to take and explore with Him. Don’t negate these scriptures that all of sudden just ‘pop’ into your mind. There are treasures and revelation in them IF you dig into them asking the Holy Spirit to show you.

Are you the kind of person that is attentive to the things the Holy Spirit highlights to you? Do you write them down so that you can remember to dig in further and research what was just highlighted to you? Do you write down your questions that you want answers to? Do you ask the Holy Spirit for answers?

Let’s be like the Bereans.

The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived they went into the Jewish synagogue. Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. Many of them therefore believed, with not a few Greek women of high standing as well as men. Acts 17:10-12

Is the Holy Spirit the first one you ask when you have spiritual questions?

1 thought on “Word studies and Holy Spirit paths.”

  1. Love that last question. And to tag along with your subject matter, if we can’t honestly answer in the positive that the HS is our first go to No matter what the situation, it would suggest idolatry in our lives that I can guarantee the Lord wants removed

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