Why some no longer attend Church anymore

…thus making void the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And many such things you do. Mark 7:13

How many things do we do out of tradition? Are you just going through the motions? Unfortunately the institutional Church system has become ‘tradition’ that everyone seems to go along with … until they don’t.  Then if the person leaves they are seen by all those still in that ‘tradition’ as ‘leaving the faith’ when in fact it is the exact opposite. Many leave the IC ( institutional Church ) to be led into the ‘wilderness’ by the Spirit of God to grow into a deeper relationship with Him. They no longer find the 3rd grade sermons enough for their spiritually hungry souls. They no longer want to be under the ‘rules’ and conforms of the strict distant ‘leadership’. They desire a REAL relationship with God that permeates every part of their lives. They want real and true koinonia ( fellowship ). 

I have personally watched many ‘walk away’ from the IC to find their relationship with God skyrocket into a deep mature spiritual ‘knowing’. They listen intently for the Spirit of God within them. They read the written Word more. They seek out others to have deep spiritual conversations. They look forward to meeting with others like themselves almost everyday. They later tell me things like.. “ I wish I would have left sooner.” Or … “I’ve grown SO much since I left the institution.” Leaving now puts all of the responsibility of your spiritual life and growth into your own hands which in fact was ALWAYS there in the first place, but now you realize it with much more gravity. I seen so many leave the institution and now have deep daily conversations with people about Jesus and spiritual issues.

Church isn’t a system or a building, it’s a group of followers of Jesus. How big is that group? 

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. Matthew 18:20

This ‘group’ is what Jesus calls His Bride. Jesus does NOT call the Church system or buildings His Bride. We ARE the ekklesia! It isn’t a ‘house church’, it isn’t a ‘small group meeting’, it is the individuals who love Him and know Him and He knows them. They talk and walk together. They hear His Voice and follow Him… daily. 

And He said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23

They only way you can do this daily is if you are listening for His Voice and obeying His instructions THROUGHOUT your day! That sure doesn’t sound like a weekly event like a ‘worship service’. It sounds like a tight intimate relationship of constant communication. The ekklesia thrives on being ‘Holy Spirit’ empowered and directed. They’ve learned to ask the Holy Spirit questions and have drawn out conversations with Him. It really is a wonderful relationship for them. Eventually if you have a HUGE need for more of Jesus you will have to venture outside of the ‘camp’. Are you brave enough to go with Him if He asks you to? 

So if this is you and you have others who don’t understand why you ‘left’ their ‘beloved Church’ — send them this post to let them know you LOVE Jesus more than the institution and you’ve found vibrant LIFE and others outside of the ‘camp’ who LOVE Jesus with ALL their hearts. That you now ‘walk with Jesus EVERYDAY and now have sweet fellowship with the Holy Spirit and others who are like yourself. You’ve come to understand that the real Body of Christ is not an institution or a building but those who desire a deep intimate real relationship with Him.

Today is the day the Lord has made! Rejoice! Walk with Him today and listen to the Spirit of God for He has an adventure for you today. Learn to talk with Him at ALL times, listening to the Holy Spirit’s Voice.

I look forward to meeting you …my brother and sister in Christ!

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