Understanding of the Times

Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs, and all their kinsmen under their command. 1 Chronicles 12:32

This phrase “understanding of the times” is only used once in the scriptures. Many commentaries speculate as to the meaning, some say it was knowledge of the heavens and movement of the stars seasonly with an understanding of the politic of the times. Although there may be intimation of certain things there is no direct interpretation of what exactly they “understood”. I’ve heard this verse used many times be others throughout the years, and I hesitate to use it, but the current ‘times’ seem to be appropriate.

When there are so many voices telling everyone what to do and what their ‘truth’ is, with ‘fact checkers’ and misinformation czars, and propaganda being spewed from every direction knowing the real “Truth” has been lost in the swell of shouting voices from every medium. How will you know the actual ‘Truth’? Only by one way … via the discernment of the Voice of the Holy Spirit within you. We’ve been trained and taught to listen to someone else about what the Holy Spirit is saying to you. How dangerous is that? Very. Why? Because it nullifies what Jesus came to do. What did Jesus come to do? Can you explain it simply? Do you need someone (pastor, leader, another human) to be the go between you and the Father like in the old covenant? Don’t you have the Holy Spirit within you? Can’t you hear Him for yourself? Who really are you following?

Direct access to God the Father. How is that done now? How do you do it? If you have direct access that would mean that you would be able to discern and hear Him.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27

I and the Father are one.” John 10:30

Today the ‘understanding of the times’ would require being able to listen to the Holy Spirit for oneself. To be led and instructed by Him. Why would anyone run to and fro to the latest conference, speaker, event, or any other gathering to ‘hear’ the latest ‘thing’ unless they are directly told to do so by the Holy Spirit? Or are we still on our agenda and plan? Moving to what we think is best without any direction from Him. Comfort magnifies this weakness. When your life is on the line … people seek God’s Voice with a much greater intensity. “Tell us what to do GOD!!”, is usually shouted by those facing their own demise or destruction. Obviously they also want Him to ‘save’ them from the thing they are facing presently. Are you really ‘following’  Him? How exactly? What evidence is there that you are actually receiving ANY personal instructions from Him directly? How many times have you made the decision to ‘go with the masses’ and do what they are doing, so that you can do what you want? Or how about the institution you are currently employed by or wanting to be employed by — do you automatically do as you are told? What about when you know it violates His ownership over your life and body? Do you ask the Holy Spirit for clarity on those decisions? Does a prayer thrown at God give you permission to do what you want to do? I have heard WAY too many Christians say this to me, “I prayed about it.”, when facing serious situations and decisions. My response is usually, “What did He say to you?”, and they usually respond with “Well I didn’t hear Him tell me NOT do it.” Then I ask, “What do you usually hear from Him?” At which time they usually get angry with me, because they don’t want to admit that they hear Him rarely, or not at all. At this I am usually very sad because their spiritual leader has failed them. So many churches don’t teach how to hear Him for yourself, 0r how to specifically listen to the Holy Spirit. The ‘pastor’ has actually usurped that role of the Holy Spirit in telling them what to know and do in so many congregations.

With the current ‘times’ how important is it to be able to hear Him for yourself? Are your spiritual leaders going to come and save you in the moment of your supreme crisis? Is your Church? Did the Church come and get Peter out of prison? (Acts 12) Who ‘saved’ Peter?

Is the Holy Spirit teaching you about the ‘times’? Is He instructing you about His ways? Is He having you learn from Him, via many methods beginning with the written Word?

Where exactly is your heart? What do you really want? Where is hearing Him on that priority / want list? Do your previous actions and past history show evidence of what you just told yourself? Do you have enough discipline to stay in one place until you hear Him? Can you endure silence? Can you quiet your own mind before Him?

2 thoughts on “Understanding of the Times”

  1. Lots of great questions. Another lost art besides hearing the Lord directly is the ability to be honest with one’s self. I fear that very few people know how to truly reflect on their choices, behaviors and attitudes. If we don’t know how to be honest with ourselves we’ll never be able to be honest with the Lord.
    Good article. Probing. Thought provoking. Insightful

  2. Eugene hausenfus

    No it is Difficult for me to wait in silence for any length of time. But I know I need to learn how to

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