UFOs. Aliens. Fallen Angels. Demons. Giants.

The American Church has been purposely blind to so many things. Why? Because the current leadership are only schooled by academics and not the Spirit of God. So let’s talk about all the things they won’t talk about. UFO’s, aliens, fallen angels, Genesis chapter six, giants, demons, disembodied spirits, evil, and the created universe.

I once was ‘challenged’ to read the Bible from the front to the back. So I took that challenge, and allowed the Holy Spirit to begin to ‘highlight’ things He wanted me to know and to explore further. I’ve read through the Bible dozens of times and through many different translations. After reading it through I had to change many of my beliefs and thoughts about how I understood things. I began to ask the Spirit of God SO many new questions. Let me give you a few so that you can go down that same ‘rabbit hole’ with Him and begin to explore so much more than you know currently.

What did the fallen angels do when they left the side of God?
Do angels have a type of technology and understanding more than we currently do? 

Do the fallen angels have technology now? 

What technology is being used by them right now?
What are the differences between fallen angels and demons? Are they the same thing?

What are the strategies of the fallen angels against humans?
Have fallen angels manipulated the human race? How?
What exactly is the Tree of Life? 

What and where is heaven?
What exactly is the ‘kingdom of God’?
What are the spiritual realms and dimensions? What are their properties?
What are God’s laws that govern the spiritual realms?
What exactly were the giants talked about in the Old Testament? 

Why were there still giants after the flood?
Are there beings and hybrids now that have been bred by the fallen angels? For what purpose?
Are there many different dimensional beings? For what purpose? 
How old is this earth? Was there another population on this earth before Mankind?

Just beginning to ask the Holy Spirit a few of these questions will launch you into a ‘whole’ new understanding. Are there wackos out there on the internet… absolutely. This is WHY you must be led by the Spirit of God as you begin to explore with Him. Is it dangerous? I can be …if you are not led by Him. But there are MANY Christians who have begun to reveal the knowledge the Lord has given them on most of these topics. Do I agree with everything they say? No. But that’s why each of us have the Holy Spirit to confirm what is true and what is not. We currently see through a ‘glass darkly’. Much is out of our field of vision and knowledge. But with Him… all things are possible. Do I know complete answers to all the above questions? No. But I’m open to Him revealing more to me. Without the questions … and searching …how will I know and understand more? I WANT to know about God and His creation. I WANT to know the real history of things.

Soon there will be things revealed that will strike great fear into the hearts of men. Many will be deceived and confused. Many will be ‘led astray’ into the ‘doctrines of demons’. Many have no clue about the rulers, and the authorities, and the cosmic powers over this present darkness, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

Now is the time to be led by the Holy Spirit in understanding of what our real history is and not the ‘history’ that has been given to us by those who want to do us harm and confuse us and mislead us. Now is the time to understand the things and realms of God’s creation. Now is the time to be taught by the Spirit of God to learn the Truth of things.

Don’t be afraid to ask the Holy Spirit questions. Go for it! Don’t be one of the deceived. Become enlightened by the Spirit of God! Don’t be stubborn and demand God that it be the way you think it is. Be open to His revelation. Be open to where He wants to lead you. The real knowledge from God awaits to those that seek Him and ask Him questions.

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