The Mark

You shall have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:3

This is the number one of the Ten Commandments given to the Israelites. God establishes His place He should have in their lives. 

When Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment He answered this way… 

And He said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.” Matthew 22:27-38

These commandments have been severely under attack in America the past several years. The American Church has even went ‘soft’ / left when it comes to these commandments. Certainly the first commandment is under attack and scrutiny by the current spiritual leadership. So many have adopted the practices of the ‘new’ religion(s), whether it be ‘Believe the Science’, or COVID protocols, or big pharmaceutical injections, or the fear mongering and ‘masking’ or even ‘Climate Change’. 

Masks are about as useful to our health as burkas, tichels, yarmulkes, hijabs, kapps, fezzes, and dukus. In fact, the truthful doctors knew this .. but because of ‘compliance’ fears they went along with the new government ‘mandates’ which were also unconstitutional and actually harmful to the regular person health wise. Masks were used as the new religion’s mark to set apart the ‘faithful’ and eventually become a symbol of compliance and the mark of a ‘good citizen’. The non-masker was treated like those that had to wear the yellow star in Germany during WW2. The high priest of the new Science ‘religion’ became Fauci who also declared himself to actually be ‘Science’. Anyone who opposed him was denouncing their new religion “Science”.

All my life I was one who really enjoyed the process called ‘science’. God is not fearful of science but in my opinion actually put us in a place in the universe to ‘discover’ Him through our searching in the mode and processes of science. Yet Science has been redefined as the ‘new’ god. That what the enemies of God do … redefine language so as to confuse humankind. (it began with Adam and Eve) Just like they had to redefine the definition of ‘vaccine’ so as to allow that experimental jab by the big pharmaceutical companies to be injected into every person. It was NEVER a vaccine in the original definition of the word. That was my first clue. My second clue was that they wouldn’t tell us what was in that concoction. They went against all our medical laws which are to protect the citizens by telling them what is in each drug / jab. The sheets included in each box of that experimental drug were blank … which was completely unlawful. But the science religion fervor and fear was ramped up so much even most American spiritual leaders / pastors caved to the pressure, and some even led their followers to cave as well. My third clue was my conversations with the Holy Spirit … who in no way would allow me to get the ‘jab’. So many other Christians ‘prayed’ about it and went and got jabbed anyway. When asked why, most would reply, “I prayed about it.” Prayer was ALWAYS meant to be a two-way conversation with God, not a one-way slot machine hopefully giving you what you WANT.

But in a very comfortable rich country where we don’t need the Holy Spirit to live … listening to the Holy Spirit has become a lost aspect of our faith and life with God. If your life depended on the Holy Spirit’s instructions to you daily — to keep you from being killed then I would imagine American Christians would have been able to discern what to do much better. The time now has come when the danger will ramp up — that listening to the Holy Spirit’s instructions to you personally may determine the amount of days you have left on this earth as well as your usefulness to God going forward in time. It will be His mercy to ‘take’ people early to heaven rather than allow them to lead others astray from His instructions. Where are you in your ability to ‘hear’ Him? Can you discern His Voice clearly in your mind? 

The current mark of the new religion is the face mask. Anyone who has honestly looked at all the data of the trials of masking knows there is zero difference between the masked and unmasked when it comes to spread of viral infections. Viruses are SO small that the only real safe protection in a deadly viral environment is a level A hazmat suit. NO little face (including the N95) mask will save you in that environment. But because the one called “Science” said so (lied) … most everyone complied out of …fear. Then they even went further in their lies saying that double masking and triple masking was …better. (Face palm) So many rushed to become the ‘good citizen’ doing whatever the ‘authorities’ told them to do. Even many American Christians were in that duped group. Why? Because even their own spiritual leaders have zero ability to hear the Holy Spirit clear enough to know what to do for themselves. American Christian spiritual leaders AREN’T teaching their people HOW to hear the Holy Spirit for themselves. Why? Because they themselves have difficulty practicing hearing Him. It’s easier just to preach the ‘formulas’ and algorithms of the Christian Biblical religion, rather than the deep inward relationship with the Holy Spirit and what that actually looks like. The Word is to be the confirmation of what the Holy Spirit is instructing you to do. Who exactly is the Word? What is the Word? Is the Word an inanimate object? Just words printed on pages? OR is the Word a Person? The Holy Spirit CONFIRMS the written Word.

Time is short and the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers over this present darkness are upping their game and intensity. The ‘birth pangs’ are coming faster and harder now. Our effectiveness in Him will be determined by how well we can hear Him and follow His instructions given to us by the Holy Spirit.

Put God first in your life. Listen to Him first. Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Then learn how to discern His Voice within your mind. Learn the written Word so that He can ‘confirm’ it within you when the next crisis presents itself to you.

Don’t comply with any ‘mark’ (mask) of the current religion. Keep Him first in your life. Soon the ‘mark’ will take other forms, marching the obedient to take the ultimate ‘mark’ of ownership to the enemies of God. 

God has a ‘mark’ too that He has placed on His family … do you know what that ‘mark is? 

And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, and who has also put His seal on us and given us His Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22

Do you think the spiritual powers can see that ‘mark’ (seal) of the Holy Spirit? 

Has God placed His seal on you? Do you know the Holy Spirit like … a best friend? Can you hear Him? 

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