Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers. Proverbs 17:6
May the LORD bless you from Zion,
that you may see the prosperity of Jerusalem
all the days of your life,
that you may see
your children’s children. Psalms 128:5-6
With each season of life, the lessons from God will continue to have a deeper impact on you IF you listen and learn from Him. The blessing of grandchildren will greatly reflect the parent’s love within their home. Love IS the atmosphere needed in every home. Becoming a grandparent is a great honor and responsibility. Seeing and hugging your grandchildren surpasses all cost. The bond between the grands (grandparents & grandchildren) is special. One cannot really fathom the depths of children and grandchildren on our hearts until you have walked that path by personal experience. Becoming a parent for the first time is monumental in the shift in life lessons of love. The same goes for the first time you become a grandparent. Who can truly explain the mysteries of the heart? Who can explain how each child is a unique one-of-kind creation? How can we as a culture so callously kill children in the womb? The forces of evil and the enemies of God HATE children. Harming children strikes at the very heart of the Father!
Having children and grandchildren is a major glimpse into the heart of God. The immense emotional roller coaster ride of being a parent and grandparent of children is such an indicator of the love in the heart of the Father … for each one of us. How can we truly explain the depths that children and grandchildren have on our hearts? When our children are hurt or sick the depths of desperation are hard to contain within us as our heart is greatly affected. Oh the prayer will flow – even from the most atheistic parent when their child is in danger or seriously ill. We’re wired and created to immediately connect with our heavenly Father when our heart is deeply impacted. What a comfort and blessing it is to have a deep intimate relationship with God when facing challenges and dangers with our children and grandchildren.
The scriptures take on a whole new level of understanding when one moves into this season of life of parenthood. Consider Mark 9:14-29. The father brings his son who is tormented by an ‘unclean spirit’ to Jesus’ disciples. They are unable to cast it out, so Jesus heals the boy. A desperate parent will try and do almost anything to see their child healed. This speaks to the heart of our heavenly Father, and reveals His own heart towards us.
Are you deeply connected to the heart of your Heavenly Father?
1 thought on “The heart of the Father.”
Very true my friend. Add one who had six children and eight grandchildren with more in the way I can attest to the love of the Father. This grand baby hugs are the best.
But if I allow my memory to go way back in time, those children hugs were so amazing that God was able to speak deep into my soul because of them. I dare say that Christian’s who don’t have children will not experience a level of relationship with the Father that comes through having children. Grandchildren takes it to another level as you wrote.
Thanks for sharing