The Deep State and the Institutional Church

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men. 2 Timothy 3:1-9

In my personal view — it seems that the divide between Godly conduct, morals, and Truth versus the current social culture and political correctness demanded by the ‘ruling’ elite class which would include the ultra wealthy, celebrity, and political figures, has exponentially exploded and evil now raises it’s head in defiance of anything Godly and is championed by the political ruling class. The list Paul writes to Timothy here in the above scripture is in full bloom in this American culture. Most western culture countries have been following our corrupted evil lead.

If you look at the tactics of the ‘deep state’ and their voracious appetite for money, power, influence, and selfish aggrandizement, and their goal to protect the apparatus of the organization which gives them all that they seek at all cost — they comply to whatever current ruling authority that agrees with them in their goals. We see the same ‘actors’ just moving positions but remaining as ‘players’ on the board. This is why any person who jeopardizes that machinery and structure is quickly vilified and taken down at all costs. We currently see this with several candidates for the upcoming election. On the conservative side we see several candidates from both parties who have been attacked from all sides, even from the ‘law enforcement’ side, in an attempt to discredit and malign their character all the while protecting those on the left’s ‘progressive’ side who’s actions are FAR worse. The machinery is in full churning mode to chew up anyone who dares speak the Truth and reveal with transparency what is really going on. This is why whistle blowers of the massive corruption in the governments are now being severely targeted in every western political country.

While on a walk the other day — the revelation hit me hard that our current institutional Church system is mirroring the current deep state tactics. Save the current ‘machinery’ / structure at all costs. Compromise the Word and direction and instruction of the Holy Spirit that threatens the current system and authority structure. Cover up any corruption in the leadership from the people. Spend more on the machinery (building, admin / staff salaries, projects) than on the local community they are supposed to be serving. Oppose anyone who reveals anything that could potentially upset the current status of the operation of the Church machinery and admin salaries. The current religious Church system literally has become the ‘beast’ that must be fed.

This is one factor of why the darkness is spreading so quickly. Those that are supposed to be bringers of the “Light” are they themselves corrupted by the ‘beast’ system and will not do anything that might threaten that machinery which is currently giving them what they want personally (money, position, influence, power). This is the ‘career’ professional ministerial class. The “ordained” credentialed individuals who are supposedly theologically trained and certified by the institutional religious educational system. What has happened to the indwelling witness and guidance of the Holy Spirit? He has been pushed aside for ‘educational’ and system structure purposes. Save the current machinery of the system at ALL costs. If the revelation coming from the Holy Spirit exposes the Truth and corruption of those in the system — deny it, squash it, and say it is not of God. Cover it up. Lie. Save yourself – and blame someone else, preferably the one who exposed the whole of the corruption. This is what happens to those unknown ‘prophets’ God has tasked to reveal the Truth of the system and to call out the sins of certain individuals, usually in authority. 

This is why I believe the remnant of God who are fully devoted to Him OVER any religious system is growing. The divide between God and evil and obvious sin is being exposed more and more. Many are realizing that the religious machinery is only allowing them to only play a small part in it. That if they really want to grow in the Presence of the Holy Spirit and knowledge of Jesus Christ they will have to leave and seek Him elsewhere, with those who also are being led into the ‘wilderness’ by the Spirit of God to prepare them for what He will need from them in the near coming future. The remnant of God is explained my many of Jesus’ parables. Probably to most stark example is the parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25.

How has the Holy Spirit led you to connect with other individuals — beyond the ‘liturgy’ of the religious system? Are you really connected intimately with other individuals who are going hard after God? Who are seeking Him at all costs?

Are you still dipping your toes in the religious system because it feels comforting to you, because of your past? Is it easier than listening to the the nagging Voice of the Holy Spirit calling you to a deeper relationship and wanting you to deal with certain hidden areas of sin in your life?

The comfort and safety that the enemies of God offers is very temporary and fleeting. Those who really love God want the Truth no matter the cost to themselves personally. Have you ever asked God what real ‘safety’ is? What is real ‘comfort’? The ‘systems’ and comforts of this world will NEVER satisfy the ache / hole in your soul.

Are you seeking His Voice at every step of your life? Or are you seeking comfort as you want it?

As the time counts down — now is the best time to turn your ‘face’ to God. Not religion. Religion won’t ‘save’ you when you will have stand before Him at your ‘end’. 

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