Prophecy Being Fulfilled?

But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Daniel 12:4


“From an article on Industry Tap written by David Schilling, the host went on to say that not only is human knowledge, on average, doubling every 13 months, we are quickly on our way, with the help of the Internet, to the doubling of knowledge every 12 hours.  To put it into context, in 1900 human knowledge doubled approximately every 100 years. By the end of 1945, the rate was every 25 years. The “Knowledge Doubling Curve”, as it’s commonly known, was created by Buckminster Fuller in 1982. If you want to take this even further down the preverbal road, you combine this with Ray Kurzweil’s (Head of Google Artificial Intelligence) “singularity” theory and Google’s Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen’s ideas which are discussed in their book, “The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business” and you have some serious changes to technology, human intelligence and business coming down the pike whether you like it or not.”

Digital technology has sped up the knowledge increase like nothing else .. there is no doubt. So fast to the point that the common person is relatively unaware how fast things are now increasing ..daily. Some of us ‘older’ folks who have had a longer life than the younger generations …know, feel, and sense with a much greater awareness how fast things are moving now in the world. Things are running much faster now than any human can keep up. But AI is now able to monitor and accumulate information and knowledge faster than any human. AI has now surpassed all human thinking games, chess, go, and all other extremely complex strategy games, and can beat humans fairly easy. A created AI named Watson finally beat the best humans on the planet in the long running decades TV gameshow Jeopardy actually quite a few years ago. AI has increased in ability SO much greater since then.

Many shall run to and fro….

Can we talk about the ability now to navigate the entire world mostly easily? Flying commercial is commonplace now for millions. Or let’s talk commuting to work. Driving miles to go to and from work everyday… was unheard of just within the last century (a blip in human existence). Now? What is changing? How many people now work from home on the digital freeway called the internet? We now no longer run physically we run mentally faster than ever before. The ‘new work world’ requires it. We have to accept things without really knowing what’s in them or at stake. This happens in almost every area of our lives now. How many just ‘accept’ all the rules and regulations of every new app or contract without ever reading them to know what’s in them? Who has the time to go over every detail and agreement and actually think about what you are accepting? How many are traps and snares? How many are doing things you’d never agree to if you actually knew? Or do we no longer care? Apathy? The regular person “agrees” to thing now they never actually agree to … via all the digital requirements to stay in ‘business’, or to earn an ‘income’, or just to go to school.

Can we accumulate things faster than what is actually good and healthy for us? Lots of people now become wealthy overnight or within hours. If they aren’t ready for that success .. it will destroy them because their character and good values haven’t yet been established in them.

So what will come of all this newly accumulated power and knowledge? Those with resources and money with sociopathic tendencies and narcissistic personalities will use these powers for great evil. That has been obvious in the present culture and world globally. They will set up human trafficking in every way possible. For evil is bent on destroying humanity.

What has the Holy Spirit given you to do? What has He called you to do? Has He given you a purpose? As time marches down with greater and greater speed to God’s renovation of this world and the end of your current existence … what is He telling you to be focused on?

Exactly how many days or hours do you personally have left? Do you know? Do you continue to act like you have forever left to do what He wants you to do? Be present with Him. Ask Him often what He wants you to do. Be mindful of the time. 

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