Imagining Heaven

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. Revelation 21:1-3

Sometimes I just need to remind myself of what God has planned for us for … eternity! God also gave us imaginations that help us in many ways. The enemies of God don’t like the family of God to imagine what will be and what could be. Sometimes I call it the ‘holy imagination’. God is able to place within us scenes, and pictures, and things that fire up our emotions and God given creative inspiration. John definitely had to ‘translate’ heavenly things that he received in vision form and concepts into a very limited language and smaller dimensional understanding. Yet John’s descriptions fire up the human soul and imagination!

So allow me to imagine for a bit, while utilizing the limited understanding I do have. The new earth and our eternal home will have greater dimensional access. The new Jerusalem couldn’t currently exist here on earth under the current gravitational conditions of our limited dimensions. The only way to exist is for it to be multidimensional beyond what we currently experience and know. I imagine heaven (our eternal home) to have much more dimensional capabilities. And that certain beings will have levels of access depending on their current biological and spiritual makeup. There will be no more oceans but an abundance of rivers and lakes. Water will be everywhere. Earth will be restored to it’s eden-like capabilities, with no more curse, and it being lush, fertile, and beautiful. 

Heaven will be expansive especially with the extra dimensions being able to be accessed freely. I imagine Heaven to be extremely busy and peaceful at the same time, always filled with worship and the New Jerusalem being the ‘capitol’ of the earth. I imagine portholes that are throughout the earth that can be accessed that transport you directly into the city. I imagine beauty beyond compare. Everywhere you turn is another vista that takes one’s breath away. I imagine mountains and lakes and rivers that are beyond what we’ve ever known. I imagine the grass, and trees, and flowers to be alive in ways we’ve never known. Each species of plant will have its own frequency and ‘song’ that we can hear and see that praises it’s Creator.

I also imagine uncontainable joy! Children running and playing everywhere, laughing, and full of joy and energy. Running will be different there. Flying will be different there. Swimming will be different there. Time will be different there. 

But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Peter 3:8

If one was to look at Peter’s statement as a mathematical formula it could read 4.2 days = 1 second. 40 days = 9.5 seconds. (think of Moses on the mountain with God) 70 years = 1 hour 41 minutes. 1 year in heaven = 365,000 years in earth time. Time in heaven doesn’t run the same way as it does here. Many writers have alluded to that …like CS Lewis in the Chronicles of Narnia.

I think that the more we run from God our time speeds up, but if we run towards God our time slows down. And that at God’s Throne time stands still in reverence.

Heaven is definitely what we WERE created for! Heaven should be what fires up our souls! Heaven really is our real HOME! And our family is waiting for us to arrive!

MARANATHA! (Come Lord Jesus!)

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