Forward Divine Faith

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

Oh that mysterious substance of … faith. Something we ALL need to please God. How do we obtain it? How do we grow it? How do we lose it? What exactly is it?

The Greek word is pistis meaning faith: used for belief, trust, confidence; fidelity, and faithfulness. First we need to know it is ALWAYS a gift FROM God, and never something produced by humans. Basically it is ‘God’s persuasion’ and therefore different than human belief (confidence) yet also involving it. God continuously births faith into the believer so that we can know what He prefers, i.e. the persuasion of His will (1 John 5:4). Faith is God’s warranty which certifies the ‘Rhema Word’ revelation planted within the believer that the ‘Word’ (in their hearts) will come to pass. Stop. Consider what you just read. 

The denigration or accusation that you don’t have enough ‘faith’ is one the enemy uses all the time against us. God supplies / gives us our faith. So if you are in a situation requiring ‘faith’ then ask Him who gives it to you, to give you the ‘faith’ for the task at hand. Humbly approaching the Throne of God knowing that He loves you and created you for His joy and love. Our faith is always being stretched, and more faith is seemingly always required making us humbly go back to Him, over and over for that precious ‘substance’. It is a ‘fruit’ of the Holy Spirit and we must tend that precious substance to nurture it within us. 

In Hebrew the concept of ‘faith’ is more of moral stability and fidelity. Someone who is ‘confident’ in their stance and belief. That person is honest, steady, and truthful. The Hebrew understanding is more of the human power and decision in action.

Thus the New Covenant / Testament definition of ‘faith’ is a revelation by the Holy Spirit. Paul recognized by the Holy Spirit the Source of our faith was GOD alone, and that it wasn’t a human manufactured essence. We though because of the gift of our ‘free will’ and choice MUST agree with that ‘gift’ of faith birthed / placed within us by the Holy Spirit.

Faith is then obtained from the hand of God. And by our agreement and acceptance of that faith… it is activated within us for the thing / situation He is asking of us. We grow in our confidence in Him from our obedience to the prompting of the Holy Spirit when He asks us to ‘do’ and act / carry out His wishes. Our confidence in Him and ourselves is then diminished when we ignore His prompting, and whispers within our hearts and minds. When we refuse to act on the call to be with Him in deeper relationship via His Holy Spirit, our confidence in Him and ourselves will wane. So the faith that He gives us — is never stagnant, but is for the positive forward movement with Him. So then we have the beginning of understanding of James chapter 2.

What are you doing with the faith God has given you? Where is He asking you to ‘step out’ of your comfort and utilize the faith He has provided you? So are you going forward in your life with Him… in faith?

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