Chosen Naivety

I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil. Romans 16:17-19

Chosen naivety. Is there such a thing? Can we be driven by our own deep seated fears and lack of grounded and seated love (God’s agape / love) within our souls to think that if I stay naive it will somehow help me or protect me? Can I cloister myself so much that I can trick myself into believing a make-believe reality of my own choosing that isn’t real? Do these choices we make become the foundation for other dangerous aspects in our thinking like cognitive dissonance? How dangerous is it to deny the Truth of the reality around you?

Naivety leads to easy manipulation and deception. It leads to delusion and pain. This is why as children are in need of parents who know better than they do to help them navigate life by teaching them good decision making skills. But what is it as adults that causes  a person to choose naivety? Who is that person that refuses to acknowledge the blatant situation staring them right in their face? Or the person who refuses to acknowledge the Truth of a situation? What are the maligned roots within the character of a person to choose naivety over reality?

Fear? Pride? Lust? Any one of these can grow tentacles within our souls and mind to delude and confuse the Truth that the Holy Spirit is trying to reveal to us. Are we open enough to receive the Truth from the Holy Spirit when He points out our character flaws or insidious sin sitting in the corner of our soul? Most have never been taught how to decipher, recognize, and engage with the Voice of the Holy Spirit inside them. Many never learned to listen to their own God given conscience and quickly chose other voices early in their lives. Even after becoming a ‘Christian’ church going individual their own intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit remains a major mystery to them, because the ‘religious setting’ they were / are in never taught them how to recognize the Voice of the Holy Spirit within them. We have a major problem with most of institutional Christianity. It is mainly based on worldly systems of education and worldly business models. It is not modeled after the ministry Jesus had with His own disciples. Where is real discipleship today? Where is the intimate trusted tight circle of relationships that can challenge one another?

It’s not the old religious system that is needed in christianity — it is real intimate discipleship and trusted intimate relationships. Relationship with God and with others — at a very intimate level is what is needed. The lecture / sermon style of “Church” or education has been proven to be the lowest form of education, as in the hearers are the least to receive the information from that style of teaching. It is in tight small discipleship with constant questions and discussion that information is better received and integrated. Which style of education have you mostly set yourself in when it comes to spiritual teaching and learning? Do you have friends you can discuss deep spiritual issues with? What about deep issues within your own character that you think the Holy Spirit is trying to deal with? Do you have friends you trust that much?

Are you willing to see the severity of the reality surrounding you? Does the Holy Spirit ever bring warnings to you? If not, then I believe you may be in some form of chosen naivety. Parents who love their children warn them and discipline them for bad behaviors. I’m not talking about the tiny ‘prick’ you feel when you hear the Truth every now and again — but the direct instruction by the Holy Spirit asking you to deal with a very specific issue in your life. Chosen naivety makes you VERY susceptible to evil, and then very manipulatable to passing that evil on to others. 

Be brave. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the reality in your life and what reality is surrounding your life. Ask the Holy Spirit what is hindering you from receiving the Truth. Then be courageous enough to act on those things the Holy Spirit is revealing to you. Step out in faith. Know that He loves you. Do it today. 

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