Your Source?

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” Matthew 6:25-27

Globally we’re headed into a great storm. There will be a financial storm as the banker’s schemes are exposed and fall apart, as they try to take everyone else’s money and jockey for their country’s currency to maintain it’s value, all the while moving and setting up their own CBDC (central bank digital currency). The fraudulent massive build up of unsecured debt that has grown to the point of no return will crash with massive devastation. The banker’s ‘solution’? Digital currency is their plan. Unfortunately the digital system in a CBDC format will bring complete control to money in THEIR favor and not the citizen. Just as the Bible predicted everything in ‘buying and selling’ will be under complete control, their control. This is just the financial storm, there are other storms growing at the same time in almost every industry.

The time to know your Source is becoming more and more apparent. Almost everyone I know is having to tighten their ‘financial belt’ presently. Their hard earned dollars just aren’t going as far as they used to in their purchases and bills. Inflation is currently going rampant, which is WAY beyond what the government sources are reporting (In short they’re lying to you). The squeeze is on. Squeeze the people so hard they’ll accept any solution offered to them. What if that solution is slavery? What if that solution bars you from God? What if that solution demands you to turn in your neighbors, family, children, parents, and friends?

Their ‘solution’ will be that for you to be ‘saved’ is that you will have to swear allegiance to ‘them’ and their ‘Beast’ system. For you to have access to a phone, medical treatment, drugs, and be able to purchase things anywhere you will have to be in their ‘Beast’ system. Can’t you see this coming quicker and quicker?

Enough of the current world status. What should you be concerned about? What is your heavenly / eternal status? Is your current relationship with the Holy Spirit growing by leaps and bounds in intimacy? Is He giving you assignments daily? Is He guiding you in the ‘path’ He wants you to walk? Is He teaching you about His gifts? Is He counseling you about His fruit growth in your life? Is He pointing out those things you need to repent of? The conditions of comfort are quickly slipping away, and the trials and hard times are now upon us and will only increase with the coming days. So what is He advising you to do? Is He talking to you about the money in your control, or the money you have in the bank, retirement accounts, stocks, and investments? Is He asking you to invest some of it into ‘spiritual’ things? What would that look like? It’s basically being obedient to give wherever and whenever to whomever He directs you to do so. TC2 members know every penny they have is His, and live to use it as He directs without question.

So now the above scripture of Jesus’ words have a greater importance and impact in ALL of our lives. We should be focused with all of our efforts on our daily obedience to His instructions for His Glory and plan for which He has each of us individually. Knowing with perfect certainty where our lives are going eternally. Knowing that while we’re here — our lives and efforts are for His Glory and plan. As the global forces move to enslave humanity with tighter and tighter bondages … we know the real freedom in Him ..eternally. Can He trust you? Can He give you assignments to do for Him? Does He give you words to say to others? Does He direct you to give a certain dollar amount to someone specifically who might need it? The time to know what He wants you do is .. now, today. Do you understand His law of sowing and reaping? What is it that you need? Are you sowing in spiritual ways towards those things?

Listen closely to His Voice whispering in your mind. Can you discern it? What is keeping you from hearing it? 

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