Truths from a Biblical Perspective. PART 2


I’d like to begin with a testimony as the last post can seem summarily too depressing and hopeless with the culture going the way it is. Of course in Christ there is ALWAYS hope. With Christ all things are possible. And their are marvelous testimonies of people being set free through the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in their lives. The following is one such testimony.

I met “Ken” (not his real name) when I worked with a ministry in the late 1990’s that dealt with people struggling with sex addiction. I was in administration in the ministry but still interacted with most of the clients who came for counseling or group participation. Ken was not like anyone I had ever met before. Ken was a black American who was abused as a young child by men in his own family. He ran away early from his family and lived on his own on the street but slipped into selling his body for money so he could survive. He was told he was a homosexual by others, and he adopted the lifestyle. In his late teens he still felt he didn’t fit in and was still struggling with identity issues. Then someone told him he was more of a transsexual and he then went through the entire process of becoming a ‘woman’. The hormone therapies, and the complete surgeries (removal of male genitals and was given breast implants) were expensive but he was desperate to find out who he really was.  He lived as a ‘woman’ for over 10 years, but then someone introduced Ken to Jesus. Ken was drawn to the message and stories of Jesus. Eventually Ken accepted Jesus as his savior and Lord. After being a Christian for several years still living as a ‘woman’ the Holy Spirit began to work on Ken’s heart to accept the gender and name God had created him with.

Ken finally felt the Love of Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit enough for him to ‘get out of the boat’ and accept the gender God created him with. Ken went on to have the implants removed, and stopped taking the hormones and began to dress and act as a man again. He voice lowered again, and his whole life began a new direction. I was privileged to listen to his testimony just one on one with him and was able to ask him some very personal questions. I certainly noticed his ‘peace’ and a strong faith and relationship with the Holy Spirit. One would never guess he lived as a woman for over ten years. Ken was at ‘peace’ with his situation. He knew that ‘sex’ for him was no longer an issue. Ken often remarked that even Jesus understood him and he was often encouraged by the words of Jesus in Matthew 19:12. Ken told me he was entirely happy remaining celibate for the rest of his life. Ken now knows who he is, as he is now Jesus’ friend. Ken’s example to me was probably the most powerful example of Christ’s redemption I encountered at that ministry, and there were astounding testimonies I heard while I was there working with the staff and clientele. Ken was often asked to come and speak to the different groups that met at the ministry, and that’s how I met him. And I’m so glad I did, as his testimony is still with me today and the impact it had on me.

I think of Ken and know Jesus can redeem and change a person from the farthest reaches of the spectrum of hurt, abuse, and identity issues. The ‘key’ for Ken wasn’t the steps or discipline which were important in his progress, but Ken said it was the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit that really changed him. Oh how true that is, and I agree with Ken. For it was the same for me, as once the baptism of the Holy Spirit took place in my life I was never the same again. Whenever I met Ken after our first meeting we always were so happy to see one another again and usually greeted each other with a hug. Those hugs for me were unusual as I NEVER grew up being hugged by anyone, and Ken knew that as I had shared my own testimony with him. But that’s another long story I’ll probably tell at another time. The story of when Jesus gave me a hug.

Jesus heals today. Jesus is transforming lives today. Jesus is talking with many people today.

Is He talking with you?

Now for some simple logic.

Guns do not kill people by themselves neither do cars, or forks, or knives. Should we blame Johnny’s pencil for his failing of his math test? Guns must be employed, and handled by an individual for them to have a potential of killing or harming someone. Taking away guns or any other weapon from a God honoring people will never stop evil from stealing, killing, and destroying other humans or property. (READ John 10:10-18)

Having money is not a sin. Loving money over God leads to many sins. (READ 1 Timothy 6:10) 

Taking away money and things from God honoring people to give it to anyone else will never create “equity” for the individual receiving that money. When one tries to create ‘equity’ by the forced redistribution of resources they are placing themselves on God’s Throne, and as a Judge, and as GOD, and having His ability to see every individual’s potential and created purpose. Do you want to stand before God at the end of your life when He shows you all the times you thought you were … GOD or sat on His Throne? People need to learn about giving and receiving .. gifts. When you force someone to do or give something .. is it still a … gift? GOD’s laws of sowing and reaping cannot be broken. One will reap what they sow. And the harvest of whatever was sown will always be greater. Sow peace and reap peace in greater proportions. Sow evil and reap evil in greater proportions. To whom much is given much is required. GOD will hold us responsible for the things He has given us.

If you compromise the Truth for peace you will have neither. A lie will never leave you in peace.

Love is God’s intention. Love is God’s creation. Love is God in many ways. But you must understand His definition of love to know what real love is. (READ 1 Corinthians 13) Your definitions and opinions will not matter when you stand before Him in judgment. (READ Revelation 20:12-15)

Without the Holy Spirit one cannot even begin to understand God, or the things of God, or the ways of God. (READ 1 Corinthians 2:6-16) The ONLY sin that is inexcusable and unforgivable is the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. That is calling the holy acts and power of the Holy Spirit to be of the enemy of God. You have to “know” the the Truth BEFORE committing this sin, and intentionally and willfully go against that ‘Truth’ to commit that sin / lie. To actually choose the ‘side’ with the enemies of God. You cannot unintentionally commit this sin. (READ Luke 12:10)

Religion is a man-made construct for control. Man will NEVER be able to fulfill or keep God’s laws. Only One can and could — God Himself. Thus Jesus is God (and a man) and One of the Three. A mystery indeed. (READ Matthew 5:17-18, John 1:1)

Its all there in the scriptures. Please read them for yourselves BY the guidance and teaching via the Holy Spirit. He is to be your TEACHER above ALL others. He is the One who gives Wisdom and Understanding. The Holy Spirit IS GOD. Our own intellectual ‘games’ and opinions will ALWAYS fall short BEFORE Him. (READ John 14:26)

Read the scriptures for YOURSELVES. I don’t enjoy being this blunt, but our world has went so far in the opposite direction of Biblical Standards I feel someone needs to say this… again.

It seems even the youngest on the ‘milk’ of the Word understand some of these things, then why do these things offend you? (READ Hebrews 5:11-14) These Biblical standards have been around much longer that these so called experts and their “new” revelation / teaching. Actually it is not new, but the ‘doctrine of demons’. (READ Ephesians 6:12)

What does your Church teach? Better question is what do your seminaries teach? Do you know most seminaries now teach monogamous homosexual couples should be accepted as — married? What scriptural basis are they using? Let me tell you … it does not make sense to the simple Biblical standards. Do you think God sees them as married and approves of them? Do we need to have the sodomy discussion again? When are bodily harmful repeated acts seen as ‘good’ by GOD?  And if they don’t have sex (the Godly definition) are they actually ‘married’ in the eyes of GOD? Is sex the defining aspect of marriage? This is a big subject, but the marriage covenant was created to bring and create new ‘life’. I know married couples who have not been able to have natural children by their marital union, so they have adopted children. They are still bringing life from that union and family. So many would say that homosexual couples adopt children too. Do those children have the right male and female role models to have a healthy upbringing to understand right male and female relationships? Most people and churches refuse to even acknowledge the actual ‘acts’ happening in a homosexual relationship. Does this mean we are suppose to shun our homosexual friends? No. But pray for them. Pray that the Holy Spirit would fall greatly on them and convict them. That the very Presence of God would surround them. That they would actually hear His Voice and follow Him. Pray for them not out of disgust but out of love and compassion. Pray for their healing. A good ratio would you be giving an hour of prayer for them for every minute of you trying to correct them or convince them of something. I never try to confront the issue with them without the Holy Spirit’s push, words, and guidance. The Holy Spirit is the BEST person to convince your homosexual friends of anything. Is anyone ready and willing to hear the areas where they are sinning and need of a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit? We also need a MUCH greater immersion into the Holy Spirit to CONVICT us, ourselves, of our wicked ways. (READ Matthew 7:1-5) How do I know when someone is listening and hearing the Holy Spirit? By their daily or weekly testimonies of how the Holy Spirit lovingly convicts them of their sin regularly and shows them a new path

Have your read the scriptures for yourself? Can you hear His Voice … teaching and guiding you personally, inwardly?

It’s going to get a lot darker before it will get brighter.

The ekklesia must be …reformed. The Holy Spirit MUST be put back in the center of the community rather than the all-seeing “Pastor” authoritarian model.

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