The Living Word

For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 Amplified

How does the living ‘Word’ do this in us? How does it come about? Can you read the Bible and not have this happen? Have you come to realize that this interaction with the ‘Word’ only happens through the work of the Holy Spirit? Somehow we are led to believe that just reading the Bible will change us somehow. Yet it is the work of the Holy Spirit using the LIVING ‘Word’ like a sword to expose our very inner being and what actually resides there. The Bible unfortunately today is used more like a talisman than a sword wielded through the direction and instruction by the Holy Spirit through us. We think there is ‘magic’ in possessing a printed book and by reading aloud it’s words that it will somehow invoke a ‘power’ to do what we want to happen. The ‘Word’ is living. Remind yourself what actually the ‘Word’ is.

In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. John 1:1 Amplified

The Bible is an autobiography of God’s interaction with the human race. It is correct and truthful without fiction. But is the printed Bible the totality of God? Obviously no. Does it have the complete record of EVERYTHING that has happened and will happen? Obviously no.

And the last verse of the the gospel of John says this .. (since we read the first verse) 

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were recorded one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. John 21:25 Amplified

So what is exactly the important thing when looking at our spiritual growth and life? Relationship with the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Where is Jesus now? In heaven with the Father. And He will come again. So who do we deal with now? The Law of Moses (written rules and regulations) the printed word (Bible)? Or do we have the ‘living Word’ residing within us? How? By the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus told his followers at the end… before He left for heaven

But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him (the Holy Spirit) to you [to be in close fellowship with you]. John 16:7 Amplified

So then how well have you gotten to know the Holy Spirit? Has Jesus baptized you with Him? Does the Holy Spirit fill you completely? Do you and Him have daily conversations? Do you think the disciples got daily conversations with Jesus while He was with them? The institutional Church for the most part does a poor job of teaching us how to interact with the Holy Spirit. How do you discuss your relationship with others about your spouse or best friend? Do you give away intimate details and secrets? Or are you careful of how you share about that relationship because it is so intimate and precious? Learning the intricacies of the relationship with the Holy Spirit is done delicately and honestly. There is NO ‘religion’ involved. Usually discussing that extremely personal relationship must be with those who you trust implicitly. And the discussions you have with the Holy Spirit will be about the deepest parts of your being, your soul, spirit, mind, and body. He will ask you to do ‘cleaning’ (repenting of specific sins). He will ask you to make adjustments (in your character with the fruit of the Spirit). He will show you what you need to learn. He will then show you mysteries. He will interpret the Word for you. He will explain spiritual Truths to you. He will become your Teacher. He will counsel you on decision making. He will Guide you in prayer and tell you who to pray for and what to pray for them. Is that what is happening with you on a daily basis? This relationship with the Holy Spirit IS the barometer of the vitality and depth of your spiritual life.

How much time do you have for the Holy Spirit in your life? Or is He just a religious construct to you? How well do you know Him?

Be real with God. Ask Him to speak to you DIRECTLY. Understand most of the time He will speak to you in your mind, and not audibly, although He can speak to you that your ears will hear it, but that is rare. You do understand you can ‘hear’ a voice in your mind. Can you differentiate when God is speaking in your mind? Have you learned to recognize His Voice within you? Most people are stubborn and don’t trust even themselves and demand God to speak to them audibly – otherwise they won’t listen to Him. Don’t be that person. Be humble and contrite before Him. Learn to decipher His Voice within your mind. Learning the printed Word (Bible) will help you, because He will use that Word to confirm and teach you what He wants from you. Is that what is happening with you on a daily basis?

Ponder these things. Be honest with yourself and the Holy Spirit. 

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