Summer of 2024

Some of us knew (actually anyone who has closely followed the “individual” internet media) that the summer of 2024 was going to be crazy. And it is. Evil is being exposed by the ‘light’ more and more and more in ALL areas. People are waking up to how corrupt things have become. The tentacles of corruption have been in place for many many decades in America and have infiltrated by cultural atmosphere and osmosis into all social and institutional structures including the institutional Church system. Where does the ‘head’ of the corruption exist? Possibly two places. Certainly Washington DC. And the other? Possibly Antarctica. IYKYK. And yes, I will get somewhat cryptic in this report as to explain all that I have read and know would never be able to fit into a small report. From a spiritual POV… this scripture lays it out for us.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

The real ‘players’ are existing in another dimension / realm Paul calls ‘heavenly places’. We also know that they also have ‘many’ disembodied entities (what the scriptures call ‘demons’) looking to inhabit bodies so that they might have a foothold in this dimension. The enemies of God since the time of Genesis have been looking for a way to corrupt the ‘seed’ of God created humans. So we have ‘players’ motivated, and inhabited, and advised, by entities from another dimension / realm who are DEFINITE sworn enemies of our Creator who are trying to hurt His heart in every way possible by stealing, destroying, and killing and especially the most innocent of human creation … children and babies. This IS a extra-dimensional war that has been going on since the dawn of time. Just like in the time of Noah. And now in these days it seems the extra-dimensional warfare has increased exponentially.

And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: Luke 17:26

Currently there are quite a few dangerous situations going on in this county. Do we actually have real ‘proof of life’ of our current sitting ‘President’? Here are the current steps we know… at this moment. But things are changing minute by minute.
• Joe Biden suddenly *RESIGNS* via@X
• White House staff find out ONE MINUTE later
• Joe Biden “resignation” letter not on official letterhead
• Biden “signature” suspect (underlined?)
• Steve Richetti helped write letter
• Jill Biden tweets *heart emoji* response
• White House *WIPES* Biden’s schedule
• WH Chief of Staff calls Cabinet, manages Comms
• Frank Biden confirms health a factor
• Family suggests Biden may have terminal illness
• Joe Biden holds no LIVE Press Conference

Okay some will say Joe’s call to Kamala was ‘proof of life’. Too many have proven that AI is very capable of that kind of call. Biden took zero questions. But who really knows. What I do know is we are almost always fed lies first by the government and MSM rather than just reporting facts. There are increasing facts coming out seemingly every hour that negate the MSM and official government narrative on both Trump’s assassination attempt and Biden’s resignation.  What will happen today that will be shocking? Almost anything. We are living in very perilous times. But we are NOT to fear, for us who are “terminally committed to Christ” know where we are headed and who our King is, and our lives here and now are to do ‘His bidding’ for His glory.

So what is happening now that is also revealing? The COVID jabs are being found to be deadly and dangerous (duh). Japan and Germany have serious peer reviewed and blind study medical reports of the devastation of these MRNA “Vaccines” and technology that is NOT about health but the exact opposite. More have died because of these jabs than all other ‘vaccines’ combined in history. I wonder about all the ‘Church’ and ministry leaders that hailed the COVID jabs as “good” and okay to take. Did they never ask the Holy Spirit about it? Are they so detached from His Voice that they can’t get His advice when they need it? Yet so many are still pushing COVID lies. COVID was more about a ‘religion of science’ than actual science. The powers that be wanted to see if they could get the world to believe them. Well… most of the world did … and many died and will die and more were injured because of those lies. Those who believed the lies still adhere to the ‘religion of science’ and many still wear masks because of that ‘belief’. It’s their ‘flag’ or badge of allegiance. Just as the ‘pride’ flag has become the flag of sexual depravity that everyone MUST accept as ‘loving’.

The good news? Many are finally waking up, that the corruption isn’t just about the two political party politics. But one party has went all in on Marxism, while the other is deeply still divided in what really is their platform. So the atmosphere of the Republican party has now somewhat coalesced around Donald J Trump. Obviously the left and deep state HATE him to the point of trying to kill him, as all their other tactics have not stopped him. My prayer? That DJT would REALLY commit to Christ after realizing WHO God is … and WHO Jesus actually is and that he needs Jesus badly. I’m praying for a RADICAL conversion of DJT’s faith in Christ. That would definitely help him AND this country. More and more internet well known ‘voices’ / individuals are finding the Truth leads to Jesus, (Russel Brand, Candace Owens, and Bear Grylls and many others have gone down this path) and they really need someone to disciple them into The Way. This is usually NOT done by joining the large social ‘country club’ / cruise ship of the institutional Church, but by one on one conversations with a truly Holy Spirit indwelled spiritually mature individual. I suggest that they NOT be credentialed “ministers” who disciple these new awakening individuals / disciples. Why? We don’t need doctrines, formulas, and rituals — to be the main thing – but a real vital and intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.  But the ‘lure’ of religion is VERY strong at the beginning of one’s faith, because of the need for spiritual learning — which SHOULD be done by real discipleship and not formalized religious training. Did Jesus send all His disciples through the current religious schools? Jesus called us to make disciples not buildings and institutions. Who’s example should we follow, Jesus’ or the religious elite? Jesus WANTS us to have a vital and real relationship with Him. That will come with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. (Luke 3:16)

So us who stand on the ‘wall’ as watchmen are continually watching the trains of disaster gaining speed and momentum in SO many areas. What is the answer? What is our ‘salvation’? Will it come through political or government leadership? No. It will come from the only One who already delivered it to us by His blood. That IS the Truth that NEEDS to be realized by EVERY leader. Until His arrival — we who are TC2 work to follow His lead and instructions via His Holy Spirit. How many are now able to discern the spirit of the antichrist? How many can discern what the Beast of Revelation will be? How many are advised and taught by the Holy Spirit first? How many are being taught the scriptures by the Holy Spirit?

For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21

In Christ alone, I place my trustAnd find my glory in the power of the crossIn every victory, let it be said of meMy source of strength, my source of hope is Christ alone.

Keep your eyes on Jesus. Keep your ears open to the Voice of the Holy Spirit. Stay AWAKE!

The spiritual war is REAL!

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