Message to those who claim to be Christians

I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet saying, “Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea.” Revelation 1:10-11

The vision John had was to be written down given to seven churches. The whole message was to tell them more about Jesus and His place in God’s eternal plan and His message to His followers. Like most of those who really love Him the first order of business is the need for repentance and confession so that we can enter into His ‘fellowship’. We often need to be ‘real’ and honest with ourselves allowing the Holy Spirit to point out those things that are hindering our correct understanding of who He is and our current state with Him by us honestly confessing before Him. We desperately need to get into right relationship and standing before Him so we will know who He is and what we need to do. 

Things some of these followers needed to realize …

They’ve lost their first love and zeal for Him. The need to return to that ‘love’. (Have you too lost your fervent love of Him?) 

Some have listened to and follow the wrong teachings of certain false religious factions and doctrines. (Is the Holy Spirit your Teacher and does He point out to you wrong teachings and religious practices you have accepted as true and right?) 

They tolerate sexual immorality and food sacrificed to idols, and hold onto certain deep satanic practices and knowledge. (Are you defining sexual immorality now via scripture? What does God deem sexually immoral? Does the Holy Spirit point out certain satanic practices and agreements that you have entered into? Can you recognize where certain knowledge comes from?)

Some have a big ‘reputation’ in the community and world but are actually performing worthless ‘works’. If they don’t wake up they will be very surprised when He comes. (Are you doing ‘works’ to be seen as a ‘good’ Christian? Or are you obedient to His divine assignments without telling anyone else?) 

They need to hold fast to the things they have been told and and given (their “Crown”) …by Jesus. 

Many believe that they are ‘great’ Christians [rich and can have no need to be told anything by the Holy Spirit], but in actuality they are not and in desperate need to see their real spiritual condition [poor, blind, and naked] and ask Jesus for what they really need. (They basically don’t have the council of the Holy Spirit in their lives but just religious worthless works… just like much of the modern church today.) 

Have you ever asked Jesus what you are missing and need from Him? Have you ever asked Him what is hindering your relationship with Him that is still within you? Do you bring all of the ‘beliefs’, and teaching you are listening to …before the Holy Spirit for confirmation? Is the Holy Spirit your strong filter of Truth? Is the Holy Spirit guiding you daily? Are you having conversations with Him throughout your day?

Jesus loves you and wants intimate fellowship with you. He willingly gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. Are you asking for help from the Holy Spirit everyday? Is He your Counselor? Is He your Source? Is He your Comforter? Is He your Teacher? Are you listening to Him? Have your learned to recognize His Voice within you? Or are you seeking out other teachers and guides? What is your past ‘record’ of your life … is their evidence that you are on the the right ‘path’ with Him? Do you need to go to Him in confession and repentance? Is the Holy Spirit making you aware of your need to confess to Him?

Father we need You so desperately… come Holy Spirit…

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