Group Think

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Matthew 7:13-14

Group think. Mob rule. Collectivism. Herd mentality. This has been around since the beginning. Why? The fear of ‘man’ and what others can do to you. Rather than first having a healthy ‘fear of God’. How easily we slip into this mode of believing what everyone else is saying or doing. Have you ever watched or read about any of the studies done on ‘peer’ pressure? It’s astounding how powerful ‘peer’ pressure is, and how many independent strong people eventually succumb to it, especially after repeated encounters. Just like the during plandemic coercion. 

But what should we really understand? That God is our FINAL judge — of everything. He will hand out true justice FOR it ALL. If we truly understood this deeply then our daily words and actions would change drastically. We again would never be a victim of the ‘group think’ as we would always be seeking God out for His choice on the path before us.

But our current media machine and political system status thrives and exists on ‘group think’ and the mob mentality. Our government leaders and even our ‘medical’ experts contort the truth for a lie — for their benefit / profit. It’s the way things are done now. And it seems this is the way university students think it is the ‘cool’ / hip / and a ‘woke’ way of showing how intelligent you are —IF you just ‘agree’ with the latest ‘group think’. Social media thrives and survives on this principle of ‘group think’. Now it seems certain ‘courts’ want the ‘mob mentality’ to be the way we convict people of ‘wrong doing’. If a majority ‘agree’ they are guilty of SOMETHING / anything— then they’re guilty. Yikes. I’m SO glad God doesn’t use our twisted evil methods to judge us. Yet in Truth — we are ALL guilty before God — of breaking His law and are deep in sin. That’s why we have Jesus to thank — for His sacrifice for us. The debt and penalty He paid for us … was ours!

So then why are we so subject to the mob of today? Why are we so easily deceived? Why do we stay in the same ‘rut’ of deception even after the LIE has been proven to be a lie over and over? Why do we want to paint our hair blue or pink or orange? Who are we trying to get to notice us? Who are we trying to please? Who are we trying to identify with? 

Our stubbornness of refusing to learn to listen to His Voice is our downfall! We don’t want that ‘convicting’ Voice within us — telling us where we’re wrong and need to change. We like being accepted by the ‘crowd’. We like everyone telling us ‘we’re “right” — basically because we just agree with them. We like feeling ‘superior’ over others. We like feeling we’re smarter and more intelligent than others —because that’s what they tell us when we agree with the mob. We like the lies that tell us we’re great!

Yet the Truth is FAR from those people, as described in the opening scripture above.  The well trodden path is NOT the way to safety or success …eternally. It does NOT lead to real life. Listening ONLY to the Truth is the ONLY way that leads to life. And Who is the Truth? Who made that declaration of being the Truth? Only One backed it up. His name is Jesus. Who is the Savior of any who choose Him.

So if Jesus has baptized you with the Holy Spirit — then you have His Voice inside of you – refining you with His FIRE. Convicting. Changing. Destroying. Why is the refining fire of the Holy Spirit so powerful — because it must be entered willfully by your choice.  You must want Jesus more than you want your flesh and old nature. His refining fire destroys SO much!

John encapsulates this concept in a simple sentence. 

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30

Those that truly want Jesus — understand this principle at greater and greater magnitude with age and experience. The refining can take years and years. Who is willing to go through it? 

It’s a sure fire way of standing outside of the crowd, mob, group think, herd, collective.

Follow Jesus ….NOT the crowd. 

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