
But when some became stubborn and continued in unbelief, speaking evil of the Way before the congregation, he withdrew from them and took the disciples with him, reasoning daily in the hall of Tyrannus. Acts 19:9

What is the child of pride? Stubbornness. We become so certain we are correct, that we choose to become immovable thus putting ourselves in our own minds that we are actually ‘above’ them. This has become an epidemic in this country. Humility has become a rarity. Just as there is a ‘deep state’ there is a ‘deep church’. There are those who are ‘wolves in sheep’s skins’, for the very purpose of redirecting the flock away from the illumination the Holy Spirit is bringing. So what can we do? We do as Paul did. After preaching and teaching the Truth to the people and with their continued rejection, he packed up and left, taking those who understood the Truth with him. There is a HUGE amount of stubbornness currently in the American Church. So many current spiritual leaders are blind and stubborn. Why? The reasons are multitudinous. But it all basically comes down to a denial of the Holy Spirit. They refuse to give into the Truth He reveals in their hearts.

Oh reader, we are so many times stuck in our pride and fear, that hearing the Truth the Holy Spirit is saying to us .. is devastating to our view of ourselves. We think we are more than we ought to think. Who are we? We are exactly who He says we are! What we see in the mirror is incorrect. What He sees in us .. is correct. So when He shows us our current sin and stubbornness our usual reaction is .. denial. How do we overcome ourselves? By truly humbling ourselves before Him, and asking for His forgiveness. To think that we have conquered it all at once and that we never have to ask forgiveness ever again, is like saying to your marriage partner, “I told you I loved you when I married you, so I never have to say it again!” Or, “I asked you to forgive me once — and I’ve never have made another mistake since!” Yeah… stubbornness and stupidity.

And we wonder why they stop talking to us? It’s the same with the Holy Spirit. If we don’t listen to Him when He points out our issues and asks us to deal with the specifics — you may not hear Him again until you deal with what He wants you to deal with. And so many think, “I can do this without Him.” Yes, yes you can, but not without heading down a very dangerous path. Pride and stubbornness lead to nothing good. So if your spiritual leaders speak against what the Holy Spirit is revealing — then it’s time to pack your bags and leave. So many stay thinking they can change the leaders, but in actuality it most likely has to do with pride, fear, and stubbornness. ONLY the Holy Spirit can bring the Truth.

What is your current attitude towards Him? Search your heart .. for the Truth. What does He say? When you get every thing straightened out again with Him. Pick yourself up and begin hiking up the righteous path again.. with Him.

Learn this lesson well. We really can’t do anything of eternal value without Him. 

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