Who actually guides your life?

My soul clings to the dust; Revive me according to Your word. Psalms 19:25

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14:6

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

Our physical life is much more fragile than we realize. We are but a step away from a dimension in which this body cannot exist. Our soul and spirit are eternal. The enemy wants you to believe you are only a ‘meat sack’, a biological machine which has no soul, and there is no ‘life’ beyond the body. Obviously, Jesus told us differently. Jesus is the Word. (John 1:1) Our faith is divinely implanted into us by His hand. Our trust and obedience in Him is what activates that implanted faith.

Through Jesus… death has no hold on those who are His. The fear of death loses all its power when a person becomes terminally committed to Christ and picks up their cross and follows Him by living His life and not their own. This is the symbolism of water baptism. A very outward public declaration of a person’s recognition of their ‘death’ and a new life in Christ. Of course, as a symbol the individual must begin to walk out their newly divinely implanted faith with trust and obedience to the instructions given to them personally and inwardly by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the one who baptizes us with the Holy Spirit and fire. (Luke 3:16)

Our fleshly weakness is to fall back to religion, and formulas, rituals, and comfortable institutional structures where we can control things without having to depend on the Spirit of God. Who is it that convicts us of sin? Who is it that leads us to Jesus Christ again and again? Who is it who is the very Spirit of Christ? Who is it that empowers us and advises us and comforts us and teaches us? Is it the institution? Is it the rituals? Is it the ‘teaching’ of the ‘preachers’ / pastors? Who is it that knows the deepest parts of ourselves and brings them into His light? Who is it that explains the deep mysteries in the written Word to our minds and hearts?

Unfortunately, the Spirit of God is often the first to be cast out of the liturgy and systems of the institutional Church. They may make reference to Him in their passing remarks and songs all the while barreling through their set sermon, agenda, formula, and schedule. Jesus discipled. The modern Church ‘entertains’. (Look at the previous devotional – The sins of the first century church) Most churches are more like movie theater experiences and football games rather than intimate fellowships of discipleship, where there is deep discussion and testimony and intimate sharing between the members. Where really is the koinonia in the ekklesia these days? The institution has followed the world’s ways of structures, marketing, entertainment, authority hierarchies of leadership, and profit centers. It’s become a very lucrative ‘big business’, with lots of competition and celebrities. Rather than being Spirit-led and approved one can get ‘degreed’ and certified via institutions of ‘higher learning’ and academics and take a role as a ‘church leader’. Gone are the standards for elders and leaders Paul gave to Timothy and Titus. Gone is the reliance on the Spirit of God. Gone is the recognition of the Spirit of God. It’s easier to live our lives through the ‘rules’, and rituals of the institution rather than through the indwelling Presence of the Spirit of God. Basically, most of the Church has reverted back to the old covenant (one of rules and rituals) rather than really accepting the new covenant (grace and Spirit relationship led) Jesus provided us.

So what are you most comfortable with, the big institutional setting and rules of the social club or the intimacy with the Spirit of God? Is the Spirit who you immediately go to when you have a question? Or is your programming telling you something different?

When your life is over what will be displayed and declared as your faithful obedient works and words that came from the Holy Spirit rather than from yourself… before His Throne? Could that event actually happen tomorrow? Is He actually in charge of your decisions and choices? Does He actually lead you?

Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my trouble;
Incline Your ear to me;
In the day that I call, answer me speedily.

 For my days are consumed like smoke,
And my bones are burned like a hearth.

My heart is stricken and withered like grass,
So that I forget to eat my bread.
Psalms 102:2-4

Today is the day to seek His Face. Now is the time. What actually displays what you value? Where do you invest your time and effort?

Walk with Him. Follow His lead.

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