Truths from a Biblical perspective. PART 1


(And yet this still will be less descriptive than many public elementary school curriculums.)

Last chance to click away….

WARNING: A young reader is my opinion should have their parents approval and be at least old enough to understand the biological issues of humans to read this post AFTER the parent has first read this post. So if your a child .. go get your mom or dad to read this first, before going on.

Well then … here it is. FYI – I warned you. You are about to be offended if you have never read the scriptures or thought about these issues. If you’re not interested in the validity and authority of the scriptures then none of this will make sense to you and it will just make you angry. You’ve been warned again.

The following will be very simplified so as not to create confusion. I’m afraid the mainstream media and government have changed SO many definitions of words and no longer teach biology in school the following might be very shocking to many people. I will be using the terminology of the original meanings of the definitions of the words.

First… gender is biologically based not sociologically based no matter what the ‘new experts’ and so-called latest academics are saying. ie. Gender Theory. (READ Romans 1:22) This is the way God designed it from the VERY beginning.  (READ Genesis 2:28-25) XY and XX chromosomes determine gender. XY is male and XX is female. If you put two male goats into a pen which one will become pregnant? If you put two female sheep into a pen which one will become pregnant? Ask any student in 4H or any farmer if you aren’t sure of the answer.  There are only two genders. What happened to thousands of years of history? Ask anyone in the past thousands of years how many genders there are …the answer is painfully obvious. For humans (mammals) it takes one male (XY) and one female (XX) to produce offspring / babies via the insertion of the male genital organ into the female genital organ with the male sperm inserting itself into the female egg. For humans (mammals) the female then carries the baby to term as it is formed inside the female’s womb. (READ Psalms 139:13) One can be male or female and NEVER have sex their entire lives and still their gender does not change. The act of having sex does not determine gender. Plus one CANNOT change their original gender. They can ‘pretend’ to do so, and lie to themselves, and convince themselves otherwise, and even go as far to the mutilation of their own body and wear the other gender’s clothing, but their original chromosomes will always still be the same. It will always require the two genders (male and female) within mammals that produce offspring. If you say there are more than two genders then you are deceiving yourselves. What about anomalies? There are chromosomal anomalies which are not the original design but a mutation of the coding. These anomalies happen in many mammal species but are VERY rare, they are EXTREMELY small in number. Mutations of the genetic code are infertile. Man has now begun the God-like ability of splicing genetics together. This will only lead to disaster as they can NEVER know the potential of those man-made created beings. (READ Mathew 19:8-12)

The definition of the word ‘sex’ has been expanded to mean anything driven by lust done with the genitals of a human. It was created by God as a beautiful thing and not what the enemy has made it to be. Sex is the act of a male organ (penis) being inserted into a female organ (vagina), this is called intercourse and sometimes the sperm (from the male) is being passed to the female’s egg. All other acts now termed ‘sex’ are not actually sex but non-life giving physical acts. Well …what about intercourse AFTER both partners are beyond the childbearing years? The ‘act’ of sex between a God ordained married couple (male XY and female XX) is still very much an intimate gift from their Creator which He has given to them and physically designed them to enjoy in the entirety of their marriage and life. It still affirms ‘life’ to both of them. 

Sodomy is still not sex and is dangerous in many ways. Also any other form of bringing the male to ejaculation is not considered real sex. Why else would Bill Clinton use the excuse “.. it depends how you define the word “is”.” Non-life giving lustful acts with the genitals between humans outside of marriage ordained by God is …still considered a sin.  Sodomy is a lustful act of the penis or any other object being inserted to the anus of another being, whether it be a male, female, or animal. It is NOT sex, and it is forbidden by the Biblical standard and is a sin. Sodomy does NOT create life or wellness, in fact it is the cause of much damage to the body of the one being violated, heterosexual or homosexual. Just ask any doctor treating male homosexuals of what the act of sodomy does to a body repeatedly over time. The anus was designed to have waste be pushed out, not to be forced to receive objects that stretch the lining of the walls of the anus. The lining of the anus easily tears when it is abused in the wrong way and diseases and problems begin to occur within the individual. This is the usual way diseases are transferred within male homosexual acts. We get the term sodomy from the biblical account of Sodom. (READ Genesis 18-19) What people now don’t know is the act of sodomy was against the law for many many years. With the rise of sexual immorality and rampant unGodly ways within leadership in high places the sodomy laws were taken down.

Sex is ONLY allowed in Biblical standards between one male (XY) and one female (XX) AFTER marriage, which is suppose to be a life long commitment. Sex outside of marriage, when you’re not married is called fornication. Sex outside of marriage, when you are married is called adultery. Both ways, sex OUTSIDE of marriage are labeled as sin. Lust drives the sinful ACT. And the call by those driven by evil now say ALL sex with anything is good. (READ Mark 7: 21-23) There’s a reason every thought needs to be brought captive to Christ. (READ 2 Corinthians 10:5) When the culture begins to promote sex with anyone at anytime and having sex with children as normal — we know evil is present. Soon.. sex with animals and then sex with the dead will also be explained as … okay. Days of Noah anyone? To him who has ears…

When is life created? This is the entire debate going on now in our country, but the answer has been known for thousands of years already. When the male sperm (XY) enters the female egg (XX) it produces another separate living entity. It’s called conception and pregnancy. So the act of forcibly removing that baby from the womb of the female is called abortion and is an intentional act of killing that child. Killing a child in the womb is called murder. Murder is the intentional and unlawful act of killing another human being. (READ Exodus 20:13) Abortion is an intentional act. To God murder is a sin. God HATES the spilling of innocent blood. (READ Proverbs 6:16-19) What’s more innocent than a human being still in their mother’s womb?

Sin is bad. Sin leads to death. (READ Romans 6:23) God does not approve of sin, and He requires repentance from sin. So if you have sinned, repent, and ask God to forgive you. (READ 1 John 1:9)

Marriage is between a Man (male by XY) and a Woman (female by XX). Any other definition is not the biblical standard. NO matter what ANYONE else says, Government or any other defining entity does not change the biblical standard. Sure there are many within the religious institutions that say otherwise but they are simply outside of the biblical standard. They jump through massive explanation hoops and interpretations of the scriptures to justify their own sin trying to change the plain understanding to abide by the changing culture of the world. NO matter how they interpret the scriptures the plain simple reading of the scriptures (even within the Greek) prove them wrong. (READ 1 Corinthians 7) Most arguments I have read that try to convince you that the scriptures don’t condemn homosexual acts never bring the topic of sodomy into the argument. Sodomy is the main sex act used with male homosexuals. This is known by anyone dealing in medicine who are taking care of the health needs of the male homosexual community.

Homosexuality does NOT create life. Males CANNOT get pregnant no matter what emoji is created. Can we go back the the goats and sheep examples? Has anyone ever been to a farm or had a cat that had kittens or a dog that had puppies? For homosexuals to create ‘life’ they would have to have one male and one female (each supposedly who they are not attracted to) to have sex successfully passing the male’s (XY) sperm to the female’s (XX) egg. The female must be in her fertile cycle of the month for the sex to have a chance of creating ‘life’. Just ask any married couple trying to have a child. So homosexual acts have no ‘procreative life’ in them and are still classified as sin. If you placed all homosexuals on an island and they never had sex with the other gender – they would all be dead after the first generation. (READ Romans 1:25-32)

I will repeat. You can be a man or a woman and NEVER have sex your entire life and still retain your gender and not die from abstaining from sex.  Sex is not required for you to live a healthy long life. Sex is a choice and an act. Sex is not gender. Sex is reserved for the God ordained marriage of a Man (XY) and a Woman (XX). Abstaining from sex will not kill you.

“Ordained marriage” is between a Man (XY) and a Woman (XX) honestly before God and each other with a vow before God and the other person for life long fidelity. Many believe that sex before marriage is okay IF you intentionally plan to marry the person. Vows are important. God requires vows for marriage. God will hold every person who made a vow to that promise. Marriage is a covenant. IF you have sex outside of that covenant and vow or before them… it is sin. Did anyone notice that I didn’t require a religious institution to “accept / ordain” the marriage? Why is that? What did people do before a religious institution existed? The covenant and vows are between God and each man and woman. It is God’s perspective that one will have to be aware of when standing before Him. For God will hold each individual accountable for every act, word, and unrepentant sin at the end of their life. You inherently know when you are in sin. It’s called our conscience. (READ Romans 2:14-16) Many ‘sear their conscience’ so that they can continue in the sin they are enjoying. (READ 1 Timothy 4:1-3) Unfortunately sex sins is some of the most damaging to a person’s soul.

Again …if you’ve sinned in your past with any of this, ask Him to forgive you. (READ 1 John 1:9 again)

The best place for a child to be raised is within a family of a father (XY) and a mother (XX) who are in a committed God ordained life long marriage who honor God and each other. This is God’s design. Any other type of foster place of raising that child will create even more missing pieces emotionally and mentally within the child. Adoption within a healthy God ordained marriage with a healthy, emotionally, mentally, economically stable father (XY) and mother (XX) who honor God and each other is the best case scenario for a child, or orphan. As the Church / Body of Christ we should be about the adoption of the orphan child into a healthy family. For a healthy child to be raised they will need both a good dad and mom as an example. Single parents have the issue of finding the ‘missing example’ for their child to help them mature in a healthy way. We dads need to ‘adopt’ children who have no dad and take them under our ‘wing’ — even if it is ‘unofficially’. (READ James 1:27) The ‘first community’ is the family. It takes a community to raise a child? Family first. Family’s begin with a Dad and a Mom who love one another. The best families are the ones that honor GOD and invite Him into the relationship and marriage.

Are children created outside of GOD’s standards? Yes absolutely. And sadly the homes with a God honoring dad and mom are becoming a great rarity in America today.  And still the child can still turn out to be a HUGE contributor of GOD’s love and life. Much will be determined by the environment they are raised in and how much of a intimate relationship with GOD is developed in the individual. Choices. Choices. Is God’s arm too short to reach another person? So why do we still allow the murder of innocent children? We need to honor the institution of marriage GOD set up. Not the convoluted mess the enemy has made it out to be.

When looking at all the moral failures of this country, I put the most blame on the spiritual leadership standing in the pulpits of the churches today. They too have adopted the worldly ways and compromised their callings to be ones who should equip the Body of Christ. Instead they’ve taken the role on the pedestal instead of the one of servant. They have promoted themselves to be above the laity as one’s ‘set apart’. They have usurped the role of the Holy Spirit in the very people they should have been teaching to hear Him for themselves. They have dismissed the ministry of the Holy Spirit and keep Him mainly out of their worship liturgy. Because they don’t have any real ‘time’ for Him. They designed most liturgy and services to be non-responsive, anti-questions, and one way. The disciples had access to Jesus and could ask  Him questions. Today we have the Holy Spirit, but most denominations usurp the role of the Holy Spirit, and tell their followers what He is saying to them through them. The have reestablished the ‘old OT priesthood’.

By adopting the 501c3 shackles from the Government they no longer are allowed to preach and teach the unadulterated Word of God. They compromised. And instead of following the Holy Spirit into the wilderness they chose to stay in the comforts of having a nice salary, and all the trappings of influence and celebrity within the community. Like the Pharisees did in the time Jesus was among them.

And without a major reformation of the way the ekklesia comes together for worship, the decline will continue. We don’t need a revival of the ‘old’ ways. We need Jesus and the Holy Spirit to become the ‘center’ of our time together. Not ritual. People need fellowship where they can ask questions and discuss with one another. The five fold ( Ephesians 4:11) needs to become the ‘least of them’ and serve as HE served. 

1 thought on “Truths from a Biblical perspective. PART 1”

  1. Very well put together. Covered the basics, stayed on point and bright a very clear and concise and I might as timely message to the table of discussion.
    Now if people would be willing to have that serious, adult question

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