The Mystery all around us

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:8

Which world are you limiting yourself to? Do you not know that there is more than your five senses can detect? There is much that flows around us that we can’t discern without Him. The ‘invisible’ to the eye doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, ie. radio waves, and all sorts of other frequencies. The spectrum of what we live in and can detect is SO much bigger than our senses were designed to know. The spiritual world is like this. Could it be greater dimensions, or even something beyond our science has yet to discover? So much of our current teaching within Christian circles have been totally remaining in the intellectual sphere. And so many academics will chastise anyone suggesting anything else. Yet… science continues to discover wider, bigger, and more mysterious things we never knew about our basic elements, and our universe. Spiritual academics have been scrambling ever since the science age. Yet some of the biggest breakthroughs have come from God fearing, Christ honoring individuals being led by the Holy Spirit into regions, thoughts, and ways previously unknown.

There are those individuals who naturally have a greater awareness of the spiritual side of things. These individuals are greatly desired by the evil / fallen side of things. They can become oracles, conduits, and purveyors of ‘secret wisdom’. The God side of this equation is that these individuals can side with Him by accepting Jesus’ payment for them and then are filled with the Holy Spirit and become part of the five fold that equips the Body in wisdom and knowledge. These individuals learn how to use their naturally God given abilities under the instruction and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Of course, discernment is ALWAYS needed when delving into spiritual places, aspects, and attributes. Paul wants prophets to ‘recognize’ prophets / ‘words’ and confirm. (1 Corinthians 14) 

We all have a hole within our soul that seeks and craves to be filled. So many become addicted to things while trying to fill that ‘hole’ in our souls. Yet only One can satisfy that longing. The Holy Spirit comes and fills that ‘space’ within us, opening up our personal relationship to God.

What has happened to the prophetic in western Christianity? It has been intellectually pushed aside by the big academic institutional religious machinery. God has sent prophets continuously throughout history to the people. Unfortunately … people in power and authority don’t like those prophetic types .. for the Truth is exposed .. sometimes in the most seemingly inopportune times. Sure we think of those ‘celebrity’ ministry types who supposedly move in the ‘prophetic’. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about those individuals who are hidden and unknown to everyone else, who serve Him just to serve.. out of humility, love,  and obedience, and a ‘calling’ from Him.

Those with these types of spiritual ‘sensitivities’ need to be reintroduced into the Church Body, down to the smallest group. It isn’t about big influence, or have everyone notice their ‘place’, title, or calling, but a desire for the complete Body to be functioning together under the Head’s instruction and direction. We need them… to function correctly!! Unfortunately the religious institutional system is set up in worldly structures and standards with the pyramid authority system, that places people above others. There is ONLY One Shepherd, One Lord (Master), One Savior who is Jesus Christ. Everyone else are … sheep in His flock. Hopefully some learn to become His friends. The Holy Spirit needs to be so well known and heard within every member that those moving in His gifts and revelation will be confirmation to the group. OR at least recognized that the Holy Spirit is Present and moving among them. So many academics have relegated the moves of the Holy Spirit like that to only the first century. Yet if were honest we would know there have been massive breakouts of the moves of the Holy Spirit throughout history with those very SAME gifts, usually in spite of the current Church leadership. Paul lines all of this out in 1 Corinthians especially in chapters 12-14. Let’s not dismiss whole sections of His letters because they make uncomfortable. But let us seek Him and the understanding from the Holy Spirit.

How many of us are having dreams, visions, and spiritual encounters brought by the Holy Spirit? Should we just dismiss them and push them aside? Or should we pursue Him in understanding through His revelation (Rhema Word) to our hearts? Dismissing things brought to us by the Holy Spirit could be very detrimental to our lives. For He only wants to bring us closer to God in every way. We need the prophetically inclined back in the Body, especially now, for so many are spiritually blind.

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