The Long Slide

The long slide. It’s like the brief moments almost seemingly slowed down in your brain into slow motion as the vehicle you’re riding in is in a full braking slide / tires screeching about to hit another car or object. There’s nothing one can do — but instinctively try to brace for the impact. That’s what the current global condition feels like to me. Most of the other passengers in the vehicle are fast asleep while this is all going on. But you are somehow hyper aware of so many details happening all at the same time. This is the ‘watchman’s prophetic experience’. You see it coming. You can’t close your eyes to it.

I am seeing more and more individuals speaking about this .. experience in many different forms. Because of technology the individual voice has a much bigger platform. And because of technology the myriad of false information voices far out weigh those speaking Truth. Not ‘their truth’ but the Truth. Now the enemy of God has redefined so much of the language — confusion is the main course. Speak and write plainly.  And so many voices speaking the Truth are now quickly being censored and silenced. This action is not a new thing. The enemies of God have been doing the same thing from the very beginning of the human race. It began in the Garden.

The prophetic remnant of God is now speaking about this ‘long slide’ phenomenon. Actually in real timethe slide is VERY quick. Just as the birth pangs at the end are almost on top of one another. Yet normalcy bias and cognitive dissonance are increasing, as believing the lies are definitely easier than believing the Truth. Discernment is at an all time low. The masses are still happily headed to the latest big cliff designed by the enemies of God for their destruction.  

And American institutional Christianity is still stuck in Churchianity. Yet many are leaving the institutional model now – not because of a ‘lack of faith’ but exactly for the opposite reason — as the Holy Spirit has called many into the ‘desert’ to mold and shape them by Himself. They’re being ‘weaned off the bottle’ of spiritual milk. They are learning how to commune with the Holy Spirit that has taken up residence within them. They are beginning to discern His Voice. But in the desert the dangers are real. The enemy will definitely tempt them with lies in those difficult times. They will have to learn how to deal with the enemy that hates them and wants them dead. 

So here we are .. sliding into a most certain …conclusion. What will be that conclusion, or collision, or concussion? That has yet to be clearly defined.. but the inevitable is racing towards us. What are we to do? That is the right question. Don’t look to any human for that answer for you. The ONLY One who can answer that correctly for you individually is the Holy Spirit of God.

That’s what the desert is for. To help you understand that God IS really and truly ALL you need to survive. Is it easy or comfortable? Absolutely not! It usually stretches a person beyond what they think they can take. Learning to be ‘content’ in ALL circumstances is a master level challenge course. The desert teaches one that God IS life — and that physical death is something that kingdom citizen does not need to be worried or afraid of.

Can anyone relate to this … overall feeling?

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