
Because of technology man has been able to create multiple realities.
These realities have their own rules, punishments, values, abilities, and rewards.
The gods (creators) rule over these realities so that the values they deem the greatest or most essential are rewarded, and those people who do not learn those values are punished, and if they don’t comply, removed (killed) from that reality.
A tiny list of realities that exist today could look like…
*fictional books
*interactive videos
*social media
*video games
*dating websites
*Chat websites
… basically anything now internet (digitally) based.
Man actually is being like His Father in the way of creating… realities, worlds, entire value constructs. The problem comes from a creator (reality builder) who does have a connection with their own Creator.
Their ability to create realities isn’t ‘good or bad’ – only the values that the creator demands of those entering their created reality which lead them away from their original Creator.
We also now see this reality creation being used by governments to enforce their citizens to bow to the power of their leaders of their governments.
Digital technologies by far have been the single most explosive factor in the ability of creating new realities. The digital age has caused enormous growth and speed of these realities and also enormous growth and speed in centralized control and power. Thus increasing the speed of things that used to take a far longer time and effort to accomplish.
Again… the ‘thing’ is amoral – but the values of their creators is … not. ex. Money is not evil, just the “value” in the ‘love of money’ is … evil.
Because of this ‘age’ – and numerous realities, the sets of values people have to navigate now are causing many Truths to become null and void.
Truth, because of so many realities and the values and rules they espouse within those realities, has become “Your truth and my truth” rather than Truth existing as a foundational stone outside of someone’s existence.
These many realities that people have to navigate everyday are basically creating cult like behaviors and rules. To survive now you must comply to the cult’s beliefs, language, and rules. And you must prove yourself to the cult’s leadership. Members must adopt extreme behaviors, towards the cult’s values, in obvious shaming and destruction of anyone else not in the cult.
Basically, critical thinking and questions of anything that isn’t the cult-like behavior and language of whatever reality you’re in – is immediately punished. Repeated questioning will get you killed, fired, deleted …. etc.
One reality is hard enough to deal with. But trying to navigate 3, 4, … and even more realities everyday? How does anyone maintain personal foundational values? When every reality they have to deal with has a different set of values.
And many of those realities become the individual’s Source of survival, income, reward, and emotional well-being, all set in a construct of values by the reality, and the god (creator, owner, leader, elite cult members) of that reality. Changing realities can be extremely difficult for individuals to actually experience and cope with.
So what has happened the the original reality the Creator actually has set us in? Is it still there? Most definitely yes, but it now has serious competition from all the multitude of realities that have invaded our daily lives. Original values are under extreme attack by all the other values created in the multitude of man-made realities.
This has been the strategy from the very beginning of those (fallen angels) who chose to rebel against the Creator / God. To create their own realities and be gods in and over them. To lure the ‘created’ (humans) away from the Creator into their own smaller reality where they are the ‘god’ and not the Creator. This strategy was to be given to humans to further create chaos and realities with values different than the Original’s.
We also see this very same strategy adopted by religious institutions by the very nature of the forces of centralization. When the Creators’s original intent was complete personal fellowship and intimacy with His created. This was again accomplished after the ‘fall’ by the revelation of His Son and His work / sacrifice into creation / thus nullifying the need for ‘mediator religion’, or a ‘person’ to act as a ‘conduit’ between humans and their Creator. All religious institutions naturally gravitate towards a ‘mediator’ structure especially as the numbers grow. Because the machinery of the institutional system that must be ‘fed’.
What is the solution?
The one given to us by Jesus.
Realizing His reality, values, and supremacy over all other realities by asking for Him / Creator to dwell within you, via the Holy Spirit. Thus re-establishing that relational intimacy.
Then navigation of this reality and all others will be by the direction and instruction of the very dwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit within the individual. The Bible / scriptures is the ‘confirming’ Word of this reality.
So the question becomes how many non-original values have you adopted that should not have allowed into your life?
This should be the work you ask the Holy Spirit to help you with. Re-establishing the original software of the Creator. A re-boot. Being ‘re-born’. Or being ‘born – again’.

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