Later times.

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 1Timothy 4:1-3

The ‘latter times’ is TODAY! Have you watched and heard the speakers on the ‘main stage’? Who is proclaiming Christ and who is proclaiming everything antithetic to the Gospel and scriptures? Woe to those who refuse to see the reality because they have believed the lies and flowery speeches. Unfortunately this culture of ‘departing from the faith’ has arrived on the main political stage and in many of the ‘pulpits’ in this country – by adopting false doctrines and lies from the pit of hell, spawned by those destined to eternal hell. Why? Paul says it’s because of their ‘seared consciences’. What exactly does that mean? It is a process of continually denying the truth from the Holy Spirit and His conviction to the mind and heart of the individual. Over and over these individuals MUST deny Him and push Him and the Truth aside. At some point God gives them up to their own lusts. (Romans 1:24) Understand that ‘lust’ is more than just sexual – it has to do with a deep discontentment and always being ungrateful to God for what He has provided to you. How many in these lofty spiritual leadership pastors / positions have fallen into this ‘lust’ trap? There is something very stinky in the ‘system’.

Now these anti-God sentiments are being proclaimed from the highest leaders in the land. Shouting with anger at anyone who doesn’t agree with them. If you proclaim Jesus Christ and biblical principles you WILL be persecuted and cast out, because you are seen as ‘offensive and intolerant’, especially if you are trying to protect the most innocent of children whether still in the womb or out of it. Children ARE the favorite target of the enemy. Who is really protecting children and who are abusing and torturing them by physical mutilation? Evil wants to make legal the sexual exploitation, torture, and murder of children. So if the government says it’s legal it must be ‘right’ and good?

My heart is SO grieved that SO many people are believing these blatant obvious lies. But I know the blame must be set upon the current spiritual leadership in this country – just like when Jesus walked the earth. The majority of spiritual leadership in this country know SO little about the work and heart and the discernment the Holy Spirit gives. The Holy Spirit is the last person they consider when decisions are made. The Holy Spirit is never consulted when it comes to deciding what to do. The Person of the Holy Spirit is NOT explained to the people mainly because the current spiritual leaders know Him about as much as the Pharisees did in Jesus’ day. And what did they do to Stephen when they heard his Spirit-inspired speech to them? (Acts 7). Did they all fall down in grief and repent?

Where are those elders (prophets) discipling the Body of Christ in the ways and moves of the Holy Spirit? One: the institutional church has 99% done away with any real discipleship and two: the professional clergy wants nothing to do with anyone who is walking and living in the prophetic gifting from the Holy Spirit. Why? The Holy Spirit reveals sin and brings conviction. Especially calling out the sin in the Church AND leadership. Who needs those ‘pesky’ people anyway. (Sarcasm) Better yet let’s just trot out that doctrine that the Holy Spirit no longer works that way –because we have a ‘printed’ Bible. This is why so many prophetic people are ‘outsiders’ to the religious system.

Beloved – the time is growing short – faster than ever before.

Are you ready for the reservoir of consequences that has been accumulated from all the sin this nation has perpetrated on the innocent … be poured out on this nation?

Is God asking you to ‘clean up’ your life now? Is He bringing more refining fire to your life? This actually is God’s grace and love towards you. Are you grateful or whining to Him?

The best time to repent is BEFORE judgment.

2 thoughts on “Later times.”

  1. Good words my friend, and it reminded me of this scripture in Zephaniah

    Gather yourselves together, yes, gather together,
    O undesirable nation,
    Before the decree is issued,
    Or the day passes like chaff,
    Before the Lord’s fierce anger comes upon you,
    Before the day of the Lord’s anger comes upon you!
    Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth,
    Who have upheld His justice.
    Seek righteousness, seek humility.
    It may be that you will be hidden
    In the day of the Lord’s anger.

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