How close are we to a major cataclysm?

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

We currently are very, very close to a major cataclysm. What are the contributing factors for me to make that statement? 

AI – with it’s exponential growth into all areas. AI is as moral and truthful as their programmers / creators are or are not. Without the centrality of God and His Authority and moral laws — AI will adapt a stance against God. AI will NOT see the value of human life if God and His laws are not programmed as the standard of morality. AI is now growing at such a rate that no one can now stop this ‘train’ and the changes it will make on the globe. I believe John’s Revelation talks about such a system.

CBDC – (Central Bank Digital Currency) – and it’s ability to literally control ALL transactions between people — (any transactions outside of the digital ones will be deemed illegal) With this control they will be able to become complete dictators of everything a person does or does not do. AI will have a big hand in this technology and deployment and management. 

Sexual immorality – This issue has been codified into many laws around the world and here in the USA to make sure sexual immorality is allowed to grow and spread into every area of life. This includes the whole LGBTQIA+ and child grooming for sexual promiscuity — codified into laws and regulations so that it is being allowed everywhere at any age in all institutions. Sexual immorality drastically devastates the human soul and the society. Sodom and Gomorrah anyone?

Social Media – This technology by far has changed human behavior than any tool in the past. It also is as moral as it’s creators or the lack there of. If the creators have immoral plans and faults then those will be built into the platforms. If the creators have evil intent — they will mask it to entrap as many people as they can. The human brain is now wired by social media and the dopamine hits it gives it’s users. Same as those in any addiction. Social media is now by far the biggest ‘addiction’ on the planet. How many of our children are now also addicts? 

Religion – This manmade construct is now being used in so many other ways without the people recognizing it as ‘religion’. Especially within educational systems and institutions. The relationship with the Creator via Jesus Christ and His indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit has been under attack by mainstream institutional Christianity, who want to remain as the ‘controllers’ over people’s lives by the utilization of their money. Religion is to set up a top down authority system where the ‘professional’ paid ministers (priests  / monks / pastors) are seen as ‘above’ the regular common person. This is NOT what Jesus came to do… obviously. Jesus came to do the opposite. Bring relationship with God to the poorest of the poor, to the lowest of the low. Big Christian institutional religion is just as dangerous as any other centralized institutional system. 

Globalist and centralization ideology – This evil intent has been around for thousands of years. So what makes it different now? Technology. The advancement of technology and the speed of the latest innovations is a major driver of societal and economic change. Centralization is the major driver of making a super elite status of the very few — to control it all. This ideology is rapidly moving across the entire globe, especially as the rich get richer. These ‘rich’ move to control government for their own benefit. So government has continually become more corrupt and evil. There is a breaking point at which time the people will revolt — but if they don’t have the same access to technology and weapons the fight will end VERY quickly. The love of money … 

Border immigrant invasions – Globalists are working to destroy any borders so that there will be no one left standing that can oppose them. Nations and unified groups have power to stand against globalist polices and machinations. If your local community is divided — you will fall. How do we divide people? — Insert foreigners who don’t share your values and ideals. The Biden administration has opened wide the borders and the influx of foreigners from the globe are swarming in a rates and percentages we’ve never seen before. This will effectively divide EVERY community. As well as destroy the socio-economics  of the communities through violence and other governmental handouts placing an ever higher tax burden on the citizens as well as inflation if the government prints money for their ‘wants’ and debts. This has been happening for the last three years at an exponential rate.

Big Medical / Pharma – What once was a ‘trusted’ sector of life has become a dangerous foe. The ‘regular’ MD is now most likely a ‘cog’ in the huge machine of profitability OVER your basic health. Natural forms God provided for our health are now seen as ‘bad’ and dangerous. One only has to look at the whole last ‘plandemic’ years to see how corrupt and dangerous the medical system / industry has become. 

Lying – when the norm becomes the lie — the truth will no longer be allowed and essentially be made illegal. Our current government officials lie without impunity. The elites lie without impunity. Everywhere we look lying has become the regular standard. Jesus HATES hypocrisy. But hypocrisy has become the hiring standard for government positions. Lying is NOT the Truth. If you lie you will HATE the Truth. (See above scripture)

This short list (and there are many more) is what will drive our country and world into chaos and violence. Certainly this is the goal of the enemies of God. And as all of these increase… the time we have in our comfort zone will diminish. Everything will become more difficult, more dangerous, and more deadly. Like it already has. Time is definitely speeding up towards the cataclysm. It could happen at any moment. But God …

Now is the time to learn how to hear His Voice clearly within you. Today. Don’t wait. Repent. Prepare your soul.

This IS the watchman’s duty (Ezekiel 33) .. to blow the horn of warning.. of the coming danger. 

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