Cultural Issues

Cognitive dissonance : psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously.
When one gets trapped in this type of thinking loop – the usual result is hypocrisy. Why? Their perception of Truth has been obscured thus the anchor of clear critical thinking has been removed.
Thus deception and eventually delusion become the normal state of being.
Thus hypocrisy is no longer seen as a ‘bad’ thing by the culture – and it is completely denied as existing within the individual by the individual.
This opens the door to completely false information to be acceptable and even embraced as ‘righteousness’. Adoption of this state results in a new religion and a cult like status for its members. When a person held in high regard by the cult members makes a statement – no matter what is said the information is immediately seen as truth and anyone in disagreement is seen as false and spreading disinformation. Anyone viewed or found or thought of being outside the cult is immediately ostracized, categorized, and attempts are quickly made to bully the person into submission for nullification.
The powers behind this strategy utilize indoctrinated individuals as pawns / useful idiots to carry out their plans and spread the religion to other naive target subjects. Mass delusion then becomes a useful tool for the powers to remain in the shadows and continue their plan for complete centralization of the power and control.
The main enemies of this strategy are those who ..
  1. Critically think for themselves
  2. Have strong moral truths as part of their character
  3. Constantly test and verify information looking for empirical evidence
  4. Have a long-standing strong relationship with the Truth
Identified ‘enemies’ of the cult are targeted for all sorts of persecution and eventually put on a list for extermination by the powers in control.
Enemies of the cult will be publicly categorized and nullified by the utilization of terms seen as the ‘worst’ possible traits of human behaviors – like ‘racist’, diseased, deplorable, murderers, and then in-human thus giving the powers in charge the go ahead for first mass incarceration (camps) and then mass murder.
If there are enough people who have the 4 traits listed above – eventually rebellion will be the result, possibly leading to all out war.

1 thought on “Cultural Issues”

  1. This kind of thinking can be seen all across social media. The idea of thinking through things logically with sound evidence is lost on so many. Feelings often are equivalent to facts. Which gives rise to such a subjective manner of living. Truth when it becomes subjective is more akin to cancer and often times even more deadly. This type of thinking turns even the most learned individuals into fools.

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