Contentment or striving?

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:11-13

Often I’ve seen Phil 4:13 posted as someone’s verse. And I’ve heard many speak about the verse ‘out of context’ as some kind of mantra. It’s not a gin if we say it hard enough, long enough, or loud enough, or believe it with all our strength then we’ll be able to do anything we want. NO. Look at the preceding verses Paul wrote. It’s an ability to weather any situation, good or bad, easy or hard, painful or comfortable, rich or poor, hungry or full, exalted or jailed, and be … content. How could we be content on the hard side of all those things? That’s where verse 13 comes in. That’s what Paul is taking about. He has LEARNED how to be self sufficient / content in those places and times BECAUSE he knows Christ is with him.

Fears of not enough money. Fears of losing status. Fears of losing homes. Fears of not having enough. Fears of being alone. Where was Paul’s faith during all those hard times he went through? Is our labor so that we can assuage our fears? Who is our Source? Are we striving because of our fears? Or are we working towards obedience to the Spirit of God and His directions to us? Are we looking in faith to Him for guiding us to the place He wants us to contribute, whether it be by labor, or time, or word, or deed, or by the money we have? This also should mean our occupations. Our work lives. Is He Lord there as well? Is He Lord of you there, or are you giving that place to someone else who Lord’s over you? Did He tell you to serve there? Then serve …as you would serve Him in His court; with excellence, honor, and with humility. Is the Lord our Source, or is it our jobs, or money, or our striving?

Does our Lord want us to STRIVE? Or did Jesus lie when He said, “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30 Do you find ‘rest’ in the work you are doing now? OR are you striving needlessly? Do you feel the Holy Spirit flowing through you in your work? 

I have a character flaw of going too fast and not taking breaks. My intensity has got me into trouble at work. I work out / exercise the same way. And now that I’m older that can really get me in trouble as my body is no longer 20. I’m having to learn to listen to Him now when it comes to the physical side of my life, because my body is wearing out fast. And maintaining my body takes much more careful thought and discipline. I say all this because I understand personally .. the issue of striving. The Holy Spirit has rebuked me many times for not listening to Him. I get out ahead — and then I’m in trouble instead of going at His pace and walking with Him. Striving has not done well for me. I have had this ‘contentment’ lesson given many times to me by the Holy Spirit. Being content is not easy for me. But I’m working on it.

In many ways ….Faith = Contentment and Fear = Striving.

Is the Holy Spirit leading you and advising you in your ‘work life’? Or is He separate from that part of your life? Can you hear Him there? Do you belong completely to Him? Are you mature enough like Paul to weather the difficult times of life … and still be content? Or do you slip into striving .. because of your fears? 

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