I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and of the faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints, and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ. For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you. Philemon 1:4-7
Comfort. Where do we receive that comfort we so need at times? First we receive comfort for our minds by knowing His Word and the Truth of things. That Truth comforts our spirit knowing He is there to help us choose correctly. His Holy Spirit is within us and comforts our souls. At times He is there to allow us to ‘feel’ Him and His love in ways indescribable. His Words spoken directly to our hearts, from which we derive our faith and testimony. His Spirit sings with us and over us in our souls. And lastly we are comforted by our spiritual family of brothers and sisters, just as Paul says to Philemon. Paul sends this precious friend back to this ‘slave’s’ owner Onesimus pleading with him to accept him like a brother in Christ, telling Onesimus that he Paul is willing to pay any wrongs or debts Philemon might owe Oneismus.
We really find physical comfort from those brothers and sisters we have around us. Those very close intimate friends we’ve had and known for years and learned to love through all the difficult times in each other’s lives. At this time of history it is becoming more important to have REAL friends — not just digital ones that are one dimensional in social media. We all need those friends we can hug and touch with genuine love and affection. Science has proven over and over how much we need those comforting hugs and touches. There is nothing else like the heartfelt embrace of a child or grandchild. We truly can be the arms and hands of God to our family if God remains at the center of the relationship. Do you ask God to flow through you when you hug your children, grandchildren, and friends? Do you ask for His Presence, power, and love to be within your touches?
Let’s be honest.. this world has plenty of ‘hell’, suffering, and affliction to experience. And at times we all really need those physical comforting touches of love. I know I need more and more of them as I age… or at least I now realize that I need them. We need the family of God to surround us. Please understand I’m not talking about the ‘Church Service’ / entertainment hour… but those intimate times where we can sit and talk about those deep times with God knowing our spiritual brother or sister understands because they too experience His love. We need real fellowship with one another more and more as this world grows in its birth pangs awaiting His return.
Who are those individuals who can truly give you comfort? When we are a child that SHOULD be our mom and dad that provides that comfort and love. As we grow in maturity we don’t lose that ‘need’, but just learn to mask it better … which isn’t really healthy for us. But the world says ‘mask wearing’ and stuffing our needs way down deep within us is the way to survive — which really isn’t true. But any sign of perceived weakness by evil is quickly attacked — so we all learn there are many, many we cannot trust. Unfortunately all too often those of our own family can be ‘those’ people whom we have to have healthy boundaries for our souls. Our deepest hurts come from those whom we love the most. This is also why some of us who were raised in the ‘organized Church’ have some our deepest scars from that institution and people who we were taught to believe and trust but found out that they never really ‘knew’ us, or cherished us. The only people that can really give us any type of real comfort are those who really know us and love us anyway. Those who know our weaknesses and flaws and love us because you also know their weaknesses and flaws and love them. Together you share Christ. That bond in Christ is deeper than any other. ( James 5:16 )
As a parent the Father teaches us how He loves us through the experience of knowing the depth of love you can have for your own child. God loves us greater than any example we can give. For we were created for His love.
So I gently suggest today ..that you call a friend, and share how much you love them. It’s better if you can show up in person and give them a hug. Let’s be the arms and hands of our Father today. Comfort is needed more than ever now-a-days.