Daily Devotional


Do you know we encounter God everywhere in almost every way everyday? Everywhere we see the hints and whispers around us. His creation, His fingerprints, His influence. Once you begin to recognize Him it’s hard not to see it. “For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires,

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Most of the country’s population now live far away from agricultural related activity. At the turn of the 20th century over 90% of people worked in an agricultural related industry job. Now less than 2% of the population does. Farming metaphors now are basically lost in trying to teach people different concepts. Unfortunately farming metaphors

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While the screaming and antics continue with one side of the political narrative that is flat out yelling that the “dangerous ‘religious’ terrorists” are trying to do X Y & Z to everyone … I want you to pause yourselves. Let’s step back and calm ourselves. And really try to understand what God really wants

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