Your first love.

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.” Matthew 22:36-38

Everyone who has sat in a Church long enough knows this scripture as Jesus brought the Truth of the whole of the law into just 2 commandments – this being the first of them. The Holy Spirit highlighted this verse to my heart again this morning. Is there evidence of me doing this commandment? Heart? Is my focus always being brought back to Him as my passion and love is totally consumed with Him? Is my love for Him so great that I think of Him non-stop throughout my day? Is my soul totally absorbed with Him? Are my emotions connected to His love? Is my mind constantly asking Him for help — for instruction, wisdom, and understanding? Do I bring my decisions before Him asking for the best way?

Consider a person you are totally in love with, does your love of God surpass all your other loves? How does one answer this question when you have children who are wholly loved by you? When I presented this question to Him — He asked me, “Do you think you love them more than I do? I created them. I gave them to you. Don’t you think I can take care of them and love them better than you can?” The Lord wants us to be so consumed with Him that we will always do what’s best in the light of eternity and for Him which is also the best for us and everyone around us and those we love. When we are becoming like Him, by allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us and teach us about all the things about Him and His kingdom; we are becoming who we are in the mind of the Father when He created us.

There is no greater wisdom and love … than in God. Jesus said He was One with His Father. And He wants us to be One with Him. He calls us His bride. Just as the man and his wife become One through marriage.  We are to be merged together — always considering Him in all that we think and do. This begins as we learn how to listen to one another. This means being able to ‘hear’ His Voice, being able to decipher in our minds when He is speaking to our minds and hearts. Recognizing His ‘still small voice’ when all the thunder is crashing around us. Just like a husband or wife can recognize their spouse’s voice through all the other noise. Why? Because they have become intimately familiar with that voice. So we need to do the same and become VERY familiar with His Voice. This takes time and lots of conversations together. Living life through all of the ups and downs, through all of the hard times and through all of the laughter. Through all of the challenges with children. Throughout all of the financial struggles, jobs, and sicknesses. Jesus wants us to ask Him to be there with us — during all of those times. This isn’t a religious relationship. This is a REAL loving relationship. One that is about our entire lives here and WAY beyond.

We need to allow Him to show us His love at greater and greater intimacy levels. To develop the relationship into a deep mature lasting love (agape = God love). Do you go to the Holy Spirit for help? Have you learned to allow Him to heal you in all the ways that are hindering you from hearing Him? All those deep wounded places within your soul — needing His touch and healing. He wants you to be able to receive His love at the deepest part of yourself. What do you do when He wants to touch those deeply wounded areas and fears you are trying to hide from Him? Maybe the enemy has got you to believe that He is responsible for your ‘hurt’ and wounds. The enemy’s tactic is ALWAYS to lie. The Lord Jesus is ALWAYS about Truth. Trust Jesus. Trust the Holy Spirit.

Is He your ‘first love’ today? 

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