The prison of fear

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. 1 John 4:6-8, 18

What is the solution to your fear? First you must identify it and accept that it is fear within you hindering you. Second, the most powerful solution to fear is agape / love (God love). Love is the culmination of all the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). It is divinely implanted into us by the Spirit of God — as it is His Fruit from His seed in our soul put there by Him. So if fear is the root of your problem the answer is immersion, implantation, and growth of love by the Spirit of God. That will only come by you asking Him to do so … and then a testing of that fruit so that you will have experiential knowledge of that fruit, of how it works and what it does. Have you asked God to fill and immerse you with His divine agape love? Have you asked Him how it is to work in your life?

Do you have fear of the future? Do you have fear of losing someone, or status, or money, or things? Do you fear the increasing danger? Do you fear what others think of you? Do you fear that you won’t have enough? Do you fear what you can and cannot do? Do you have a fear of death? Does your fear control you? Does your fear manipulate your actions or inaction? Is your soul and emotions greatly affected by your fear? What is the solution to all of these fears? The love of God. The Holy Spirit is your guide, comforter, instructor, and gardener of this fruit in your life which will continue to eradicate all the fears in your life as He begins to permeate your entire being. It can be a long process as He is gentle and compassionate and the surgery of digging that fear out of your life can be a painful extraction. 

Possibly the biggest hindrance we face is the lack of revelation that what the real root of our issues is … is fear. Can we really learn from Him by listening to His words and recognizing His conviction in our hearts — that what we face and struggle with is our own deep seated … fear?  The enemies of God don’t want you to realize that truth. Because if you are His — then you actually have the path and key to the way out of your prison of fear. For so many the door of their prison stands wide open, already unlocked and opened by Jesus Himself, but they won’t walk out and leave. Why? Fear still keeps them immobile, as they don’t have any trust experience with Him. To walk out of your prison of fear requires faith and trust in Him. It also takes our surrender to our own desires and understanding and trusting in what He is instructing us to do. Are you willing to take the steps He is asking you to take concerning your fear? Can your really surrender those fears to Him, or is the truth that you ‘nurture’ those fears, and keep them close to your heart and soul? 

One of the advantages of those who have had an NDE (near death experience) and met Jesus in heaven is that they no longer have the fear they had previously. They are fear free. They KNOW what lies ahead of them is SO much better than what is here on earth. They’ve experienced it and it has greatly changed them. But we don’t have to have an NDE to experience His love, or be radically changed by it. It is our complete surrender to Him that is the precursor to His love flooding our entire being. We can learn to ‘walk by faith’ by following His instructions to us, step by step. His whispers to your mind and soul need to be heeded and obeyed. His conviction in our souls needs to be dealt with — so that we can move forward with Him.


Father – help us! Reveal to us our fear! Please speak to us Holy Spirit as to what exactly you would have us do to eradicate our deep seated fear! Teach us how not to accept the fear the enemy of God wants us to place upon us. Show us Lord … the steps out of our prison of fear. Help us to experience greater levels and portions of your love Lord Jesus. Help us Lord to hear your Voice above all other things!

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