The Love of God

If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him! Luke 11:13

Oh how age and life experience can change one’s perspective. I use to read this and only understand it with ‘young’ eyes. Now being a parent and grandparent, and having 60+ years of life experience – this Truth about the Father and His heart and love for His children – the depth of emotion and knowledge is so much deeper in my understanding. Oh how the Father WANTS to give us the Holy Spirit! Just as Father gave Jesus to us He wants to give the Holy Spirit to us as well. The Trinity is all about giving Themselves to us. Why? God is love. (1 John 4:8)

God WANTS to dwell with US! He is ALL about relationship! He is ALL about family, and sees us as His family. The Father formed each one of us, He intricately made you. (Psalms 139:13) God KNOWS you better than you know yourself. And oh how He wants to give you Himself – via Jesus and via the Holy Spirit. The humility of God is shown through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as the Holy Spirit is about revealing Who Jesus actually is, and Jesus is about revealing Who the Father really is. The Father gave us Jesus (His Son) through love, and Jesus gave us Himself by taking our debt / sin to bring us to the Father. The Holy Spirit is given to us to walk with us and guide us through our lives revealing Jesus moment by moment.

I think of all the gifts I want to give to my children and grandchildren, but unless they accept those gifts, and open them, and use them — they really won’t benefit from my love for them. We won’t really understand the depth of God’s love for us unless we accept and utilize the gift of the Holy Spirit that HE gives to us. And since the Holy Spirit is someone who will literally take up ‘residence’ within our bodies if we accept Him – it would make sense that we need to learn how He wants to relate to us and speak to us. We need to learn as much as we can about this ‘Gift’ the Father wants us to have, this relationship with ALL of them, and the Holy Spirit revealing ALL of the Truth we are ready to receive.

What is greater than having God inhabiting us? Our Creator literally showing us His way of love? The God of the universe is wanting to have a deep and personal relationship with us!?! The older I get the more astounded I am .. of God’s love for us / me.

So ask the Holy Spirit to show you something from His heart today, to show you something new. Ask with excited anticipation of what God / Holy Spirit wants to reveal to you today.

Have you expressed your love to Him today?

We ALL need this intimate loving relationship with Him. 

We ALL need our souls and hearts touched by Him over and over.

Oh how I long to take my children and grandchildren into my arms and hug and love on them! Knowing this, and feeling this in my heart (with an ache) , I now understand (to a degree) how much the Father / Creator must feel (and ache) for us! 

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