The Little Things…

“Catch the foxes for us, The little foxes that spoil and ruin the vineyards [of love], While our vineyards are in blossom.”
Song of Solomon 2:15

So any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin.
James 4:17

The longer you walk with the Holy Spirit you begin to recognize more and more … the narrow path … He has for you specifically to travel.

In close relationships it becomes the ‘little things’ that need to be dealt with. It’s no different with God.

As we mature and learn to take responsibility… we are no longer allowed to do the things we once did.

It no longer becomes obvious sin that hampers our spiritual life but it’s the sins of omission. Things we should have done but … didn’t. That continual denial of that ‘check’ in our spirit and heart can lead to bigger and bigger problems within our souls. This is especially evident in close relationships.

Those who have developed a mature and deep relationship with the Holy Spirit recognize the ‘silence’ – and know all they have to do is … admit it, repent, and ask forgiveness. Wisdom then goes to Him and asks what it is which keeps us from dealing with it … earlier.

Past unhealed wounds? Fears that stem from those past wounds? Pride? Bitterness? Shame?

This life is difficult. Lots of of trials resulting in wounds and scars. Betrayals. Bullies. Isolation. Lots of seemingly unfair situations. The ‘curse’ left upon this earth makes it hard. We have enemy that attacks, wounds, and tries to diminish everything about us. Sickness, severe accidents, and all sorts of life debilitating challenges stand in our way.


We have been given a Companion like no other. But even He can be hurt by our callousness. He SO wants to be in a close loving intimate relationship with us.

Where do you think we got our emotions from? They were created / planned / and designed to be in us by Him. Yes, He has emotions. The stories in scripture bear this out.

Maturity and wisdom learns to keep ‘short and small accounts’. Meaning: learning to deal with things earlier rather than allowing them to fester and grow more dangerous.

It’s a good practice to ask Him if there are any issues you need to address in your heart towards Him or with others in your close circle of relationships. Obviously He can coach you on how to do it, what to say, and when to approach the subject with them. But with Him the best time is ALWAYS immediately- when you become aware of your … problem. He always is there for you. Always willing to be with you. Always ready to forgive. Always ready to show His love to you.

Father forgive us of our sins of omission. We know better. In Your love, we can sense when we’re off Your path for us. Show us what we need to do to be healed from our shortcomings, wounds, and iniquities. You are our Healer. Cleanse us of our secrets that we try to shield from You. You know ALL.

Please Jesus, heal me again …I want to walk with You again.

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