The elephant in the room

Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18

I’ve been watching, reading, assimilating, connecting dots, pondering, listening, and a theory has begun to form in my mind after decades of information and data.

Proposed theory: Almost all Truth is rejected now because of sexual immorality within the person in one form or another. Sexual immorality is based at the flesh nature of humankind. It goes at the heart of the first institution God created and that being the marriage and life long commitment between a man and a woman. Evidence of God is seen in math. Astrophysics, quantum physics, life science, and almost every science beyond the academic confines (past PHD levels) show the evidence of intelligence design. Those that refute that evidence are usually involved in some type of sexual immorality, my theory proposes.

God designed the human creation with a conscience. It resides in every human born. But that conscience can be overridden by our will. It can be seared, belittled, squashed, almost into nothing by our wills. We can decide to deny our conscience and eventually it has almost no effect on us but except at our very core. But to admit that God exists — strikes at the nagging conscience within us — and we’d be responsible for our deviant sexual immoral behavior.

Sexual immoral sin — is by far the most devastating on an individual, for it affects every part of the person, spirit, soul, and body. Yet in this current culture sexual immorality is more rampant than ever before because of … the absolute flood of pornography at every level because of the tool of the digital matrix. No longer do you have to seek out porn in the back room or back shelf of a book or video store, because it is now everywhere you look on the internet, TV, social media, and visual medium. It’s one click away on that little black mirror that EVERYONE carries now.

It is a HUGE temptation as the data shows of those in the Church who are involved in some type of porn daily and weekly. And it is the biggest ‘elephant in the room’ that no one seems to want to talk about. Our culture and religious church system has trained us to wear a mask as a means to present ourselves when we get together. Mask wearing is essential now to be a ‘good’ Christian according to the behavior of almost everyone who attends church services and functions. Mask wearing is the exact opposite of what the James suggests. 

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. James 5:16

But on social media we present the VERY best of ourselves, same as those attending Church functions. Who ever comes to any meeting with the intention of presenting their sins? Maybe only in groups dealing with those who admit that they are an addict to something, but certainly NOT Church functions. In Church and social situations we MUST wear a mask. Why? Because of all of our hidden sins. 

This issue speaks to our very integrity in our core, and to our honesty, humility, transparency, and the correct view of ourselves in the very light of God. This issue resides in the most intimate places of our souls which desire real love and attention. Sex is extremely powerful and can devastate an individual and this is why God wants us to keep this act within the confines of a committed marriage, where it has the least possibility of terrible damage. Sex is what the enemies of God attacked and utilized that corrupted humankind way back in early Genesis days. And it has been one of the top temptations the enemies of God use on humankind.

But sex within the boundaries of a committed, loving, God-fearing marriage, creates  life, love, and well being. Sex is one the greatest gifts God gave to humankind — thus it is extremely powerful, beautiful, glorious, healthy, and equally dangerous if corrupted. 

If we had groups where we trusted one another enough to confess our sins one to another we’d be a lot farther in having healed bodies, marriages, families, and communities. But our current culture does not nurture trust but in fact breeds a culture of distrust, and that same distrust is also present in our institutional religious systems.

What usually accompanies this issue of sexual immorality? Pride and self deception.

It really is the elephant in the room. 

Humans have a big hole in their soul that only God can fill. Yet so many of the enemies of God say it can be fulfilled with sex. If we want to have mind blowing sex in our marriages much will have to do with that hole in our soul being filled up by God on a regular basis. And that happens when we accept the Truth He is telling us and convicting us with about ourselves, and we submit to His Holy Spirit for our healing and wholeness with confession and repentance.

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