The invisible and forgotten?

The keeper of the prison paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph’s charge, because the Lord was with him. And whatever he did, the Lord made it succeed. Genesis 39:23

What really is success on an eternal scale? Is it promotion and having the accolades of the industry and public? Is it financial riches? Or is it faithfulness in the eyes of God? Here Joseph was trusted and faithful and he still …was in prison. Are you seeking promotion other than from God alone? Who are you trying to please? Many want to have the praises of people rather than God’s. Does God have the same standards as humans? What does He see as worthy of promotion? What tests and trials will God require for promotion?

Joseph had success and still it wasn’t recognized by people, in fact his success and God given gifts often angered others …even in his own family. Joseph’s success and spiritual gifts were often used by others for their own purposes. Our views of success are FAR different than God’s view of success.

Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him. Genesis 40:23

Others may forget you and all of your honest and faithful efforts to help them – but God sees you. The enemies of our souls will be sure to remind you of all of your current and past hardships and how much God has forgotten you and doesn’t love you. Of course… the enemies of God lie to you …ALL the time. Their lies will ring in your mind and cycle over and over if you allow them to. Your enemies will continually bring up your failures and mistakes over and over until you shut them down with the name of Jesus.

But God … truly sees you … and loves you. You ARE His child!

You are not alone or forgotten …no matter what the enemy whispers in your ear.

“Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

What can you do that will really last for all of eternity? What will God reward you for? Doing your own things out of your own efforts… or those things you did by His instruction out of humble obedience to His Holy Spirit?

Is it time to learn what God sees as success? Have you asked the Holy Spirit what He deems as success?

Whose approval and praises are you seeking?

“Lord …show us the way”

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