“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and finding none it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house swept and put in order. Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there. And the last state of that person is worse than the first.” Luke 11:24-26
The scripture has come to my mind quite a bit in the past few weeks. Why? It has to do when I see a major correction or reformation going on like our current new presidential administration is doing with so many agencies within the federal government. Is it needed? It is LONG past due! But as I am aware of the counsel of the Lord … I am attentive to His Words. Anything we do comes under His scrutiny. So ‘cleaning’ house and removing the “evil”, corruption, dirt, and waste is JUST the first part of the equation. One must fill the cleaned space with the Spirit of God or… it will be worse than before… quickly. Should we clean out the corruption? YES! We should restore and make right what has been tainted, false, corrupt, and evil. But we also need to be sure to put into place a devotion to God and strong accountability and safeguards and ask for His guidance going forward. We need to ask for His Presence to be in EVERYTHING we do. Most will say – as a government policy we can’t do that. I say we need to be VERY aware of the character of the individual we put into ANY position and whether they have ANY real moral truth within them. I can hear many a ‘friend’ saying Trump is greatly lacking in the character department. And I ask them, “Less than the Biden family?” At least Trump says wants to ‘right the ship’ rather than continue to plunder every citizen’s savings, and destroy the middle class. And the Trump team has already uncovered SO much waste and corruption just in the last few days. So much of the federal government is shrouded in lies, corruption, greed, hypocrisy, and downright evil. I’ve been praying for years for the Lord to expose ALL of the evil and corruption in our government. I know that is a dangerous prayer, as that exposure means it will first come to me and then to the Family of God (ekklesia) first, and then to the government.
As a watchman – I am always looking ahead. So what comes after this major realignment and clean up? Will it mean a greater freedom for the citizens? Will it mean a greater prosperity for all who love the truth and God? Or will it be used as even a greater weapon against the citizens of this country, as then it could become an even more centralized efficient weapon to turn everyone into a ‘slave’ of the system? Will this realignment really be about decentralization or just a more efficient centralization / weapon for the next administration? Can safeguards be into place so the centralization can’t happen again? So the ruling authority can’t gain too much power …again? Can the current monopolies be broken? Health care system? Technologies? Energy production? So many MASSIVE corporate companies / players are now FAR beyond the scope of just within a single country. So many have become almost a country unto themselves with their own evil agendas and greedy pursuits.
So this is definitely a time of ‘watching’ and praying. Pray that God will continue to expose the evil so that people will have a real choice. Do you choose God or self? Do you choose God or evil? Do you choose freedom and liberty or slavery?
I sense that the ‘ride’ is going to get even more ‘bumpy’ and wild in the near future.
Trust God, not men.