Sin Management?

Is temptation sin? No. Jesus was tempted and did not sin. But how should we manage our sin natures? Most religions have countless rules and regulations for this. Even so many teachings are being taught in the institutional Christian Church about sin management. But in my opinion the focus is all wrong. Should we focus on our sin? Only when the Holy Spirit has pointed out a specific sin you need to repent of. But the way to overcoming temptation to sin isn’t focusing on the sin. It’s focusing on His Presence indwelling you.

When you allow His Presence to reign within you moment by moment then you begin to see with His perspective on everything around you and even those things with which you are tempted. When you are in His Presence the Holy Spirit’s Voice is clear. His perspective and love guide you through the temptation so that sin is never birthed. His Presence does not get rid of the temptation but provides a way through it. 

Jesus faced temptation just like we do, yet He overcame it as He focused on what the Father had sent Him to accomplish and with the Holy Spirit’s help walked out of that desert victorious. Do I believe that was the last time He was tempted? No. But He had learned how to overcome it when He faced it again. The Holy Spirit is there for you IF you recognize Him in that … moment of temptation and don’t push Him aside. When you are in the space where you feel Him so close — you never want that feeling to leave, and temptation doesn’t have a chance in that place. But our enemy is smart enough to not send temptation at those times. Temptation comes when were worn down, hurt, or feeling isolated or alone, or angry and want to strike out, or envious of everyone around you. Are you getting it? It’s those negative emotions where we are most susceptible to temptation. Also human bodily desires, from hunger to passions also can set someone up to be tempted. We have to remember His Presence and ask the Holy Spirit for help in those moments. Ask Jesus to make His Presence strong in you in those times. It’s our desire for Him and His Presence than anything else that needs to be fueled within us.

We all face temptation. And most of us also sin on a regular basis. But through Jesus and His grace, forgiveness of that sin is available through our genuine repentance. This can be a moment by moment thing. I have to remember to keep talking to Him … always. Keeping Him close throughout my entire day. I need to recognize …He is with me … always. There isn’t anything I do that He doesn’t see …at all times. Yet He still loves us. Why? He actually understands us. He has been there in the human condition. 

Do you recognize Jesus is in the classroom with you?

Do you recognize Jesus is with you as you surf and scroll through the internet?

Do you recognize Jesus is with you in the car?

Do you recognize Jesus is with you as you watch TV, or movies, or your favorite show? 

Do you recognize Jesus is with you as you go out with your friends? 

Do you recognize Jesus is with you as you sit at your desk at work, or on the forklift as you load that truck?

Do you recognize Jesus is with you as you walk, run, and skate everywhere? 

Do you recognize Jesus is with you as you clean the house, go grocery shopping, and do the laundry? 

Do engage with Jesus in all those places during your day? Do you ask Him questions throughout the day?

We all need more of His Presence, especially as we daily navigate this ever increasing shadow world.

Jesus come make your Presence known to us today! Holy Spirit speak to each one of us today!

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