then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. Genesis 2:7
The very ‘breath’ of God. Ever stopped to think what that ‘breath’ is? Have you done a deep dive on the meaning of the word ‘spirit’? Or the Sword of the Spirit? Or the ‘wind’ of God? And if there are deeper truths there to be found? Are all of these concepts connected in some way?
In Hebrew the word ‘spirit’ is רוּחַ ruach meaning / translated in English: breath, wind, spirit. See any correlation here? I see WAY too many possibilities here. This kind of study would send me deep into scripture and questions for the Holy Spirit. It could open up SO much revelation and understanding in all sorts of ways.
Consider this scripture…
And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Acts 2:2
Or this one…
You blew with your wind; the sea covered them; they sank like lead in the mighty waters. Exodus 15:10
Questions like … Is your indwelling Presence of your Holy Spirit within us like your breath and life Lord? Does your breath / Spirit act like a wind?
When Jesus said to them, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground. John 18:6
Looking at the connections and correlation between these words brings all sorts of instances to my mind from the scriptures. From the garden of Eden on, throughout the entirety of scripture come all sorts of possible examples to be seen from another ‘angle’ / perspective.
Are you spending enough time with Him for you to be sent on ‘adventures’ through scripture with Him? Or is the only time that you give Him in the ‘Sunday morning service’? If you want to grow beyond spiritual ‘milk’ you will need to go to Him for meat. He serves up banquets of spiritual meat which brings all sorts of questions for you soul and mind to ponder, … if you let Him.
Is He like the ‘wind’ blowing on your spirit? Is He refreshing you with His breath and life? Obviously these types of things CAN BE experienced. Have you ever asked Him? Often times before He can fully answer those types of questions .. we all need preparation lessons so that when HE does answer our request we are able and ready to receive it. So when you receive a lesson that seems really weird and ‘off track’ it may be a lesson to prepare you to receive an answer to one of your prayers.
Here’s a weird connection / question: Why is deep breathing so good for us? Why does it help our soul and mind?
How do we ‘exercise’ our spirit? What does our ‘spirit’ consist of?
There certainly are mysteries of the real Christian life. Paul talks about that mystery in several places. So there is MORE to be learned. There is so much for the Holy Spirit to teach us. Was He not involved in so much of the Creation event? Wouldn’t He know about the very ‘breath’ being ‘deposited’ into Adam?
If He gives you any revelation on these words… let all of us know in the comments!
Baruch Hashem!