Philemon and Onesimus

Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother,

To Philemon our beloved fellow worker and Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier, and the church in your house: Philemon 1-2

This is the story of Philemon, a slave owner, and his slave Onesimus, who apparently robbed Philemon and then escaped to Rome. Then came Paul to Rome being incarcerated (most likely being held in the building in house-arrest just outside of the military Praetorian Guard complex which were like apartments for visitors to those stationed there) while he waited to stand before Caesar / Nero in which Paul appealed to in Acts 26:32. At some point in time while in Rome Onesimus became to know Paul and company and became a follower of Christ. He most likely had conversations with Mark (most likely the gospel writer), Aristarchus (Paul’s letter bearer), Demus, and the physician and gospel writer Luke. Onesimus obviously made some big changes in his life and won the hearts of the team and Paul. Obviously by the letter we can tell that Philemon also came to the knowledge of Jesus Christ prior through Paul’s ministry. Philemon considered Paul as a partner and brother in the ‘family’ of God, and also had a group (ekklesia / church) meeting in his home. Here Paul sends a very personal appeal to Philemon to accept Onesimus back and to charge any loss to Paul personally.

I’m sure the conversations between Paul and Onesimus were difficult as there was the entire issue of going back into ‘slavery’ to Philemon who had been wronged and could charge Onesimus who most likely would be killed as the penalty if Philemon so desired. Could Onesimus become terminally committed to Christ in all things? Was Onesimus willing to accept his own death knowing the salvation and hope in Christ? What would life be like going back to a life living under someone else’s whims who ‘owned’ you? Onesimus obviously wondered if Philemon had really changed.

Hence we have this letter from Paul.

Can you imagine getting a personal letter from Paul? Philemon joins a very small elite group with Timothy and Titus. I wonder if Onesimus carried this letter back to Philemon himself? I wonder what transpired with that meeting with Philemon?

Could you make the same journey and decision that Onesimus made?  Who have you wronged and not asked for forgiveness and resolved the relationship? Are you terminally committed to Christ? Are you willing to submit to Christ and also whoever Christ calls to you to submit to for a season of life?

Read the scriptures listening to the Holy Spirit and they will come alive! And the Holy Spirit will challenge you!

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