And he went out and followed him. He did not know that what was being done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision. Acts 12:9
What is your perception of reality? How is it shaped? Your history? Your perception through your five senses? Your schooling? The media? The internet? Social media sites? For most of humanity is it all of these and more. But what should be driving the perception of reality in a person who has been reborn spiritually and is literally indwelled by another Spirit?
The problem usually arises when these two sources clash within us. The perception of reality in us is usually emboldened by the ‘source’ we go to more and first when wanting to learn information. What is the first ‘source’ we seek out for information in the morning? Which ‘source’ do we value the most? It seems to me that our words don’t always line up with what our actions are saying. You may think that God is your highest Source, but is He who you seek out first? Do you seek Him out and take the time to listen to Him BEFORE any other source each morning?
My perception of reality has been drastically changed throughout the years. Because of the Holy Spirit my understanding of the world and beyond has radically changed my priorities. He has also become my first ‘go to’ Source for all my questions. He leads me to the written Word and speaks the Rhema Word to my heart. Sometimes it seems to be in exact opposition to what I see happening in all the other sources screaming for attention. Learning to hold an ‘eternal’ perspective flattens so many seemingly massive coming waves that strike fear to 99.9% of the people. He is teaching me to hold that perspective at all times in the midst of the growing storm all around me / us.
This is the terminally committed to Christ life, to hold the eternal perspective and our relationship with Him above all. To know in the deepest part of you that you are His and He is yours. To know intimately that the Holy Spirit is with you at all times, and can speak to every situation you encounter. To experience your path walking with Him… daily. Physical death no longer holds a TC2 individual in fear. They begin to literally personally experience day to day what Paul talked about in Philippians 1:19-30. First-hand knowledge of the Truth is always more powerful in us than second-hand Truth preached to us from any other source.
My hope and prayer for you reader is that you would learn how to hear Him in greater and greater clarity. And that you would learn to trust Him and obey Him quickly when He directs you. The more He is allowed to change you and help you grow in Him the more peace you will experience and know. In fact all of His fruit will become evident in your life (Galatians 5:22-23) as you allow Him to speak to you in all your daily situations.