Jesus wants reformation, not revival of an ‘old wine skin’.
That’s what your spiritual leaders have done. They revived the old system and structure of the very thing you supposedly left. Your leaders (501c3 seminary trained pastors) still usurp the role and position of the Holy Spirit in your lives with the same old system and structure.
Jesus wants you to have a healthy relationship WITH the Holy Spirit, not a one-way controlling abusive existence. The Holy Spirit is NOT your genie. You can’t demand He do things for you. You can’t gin up just the right words to ‘name it and claim it’ to make Him give you what you want. You can’t make Him beat the demons or disease by rebuking them in just the ‘right way’.
You can’t say you’ve got Him by mumbling a few unintelligible words.
The evidence of the Holy Spirit in your life is HIS FRUIT!
How often have you begun a conversation with the Holy Spirit on how He wants to change you? Can you hear Him? Can you listen to all the areas you are currently missing the target in His evaluation? Can you follow His instructions on how to grow in His fruit? Daily? Does He teach you about the Word (logos)? Does He give you personal Word(s) (rhema)? Has any of His instructions to you – humbled you? Caused you to repent? Made you go to others to ask their forgiveness? Do His instructions make you a better person with your spouse and family? Does He regularly bring up His fruit and how to grow it in your life? Each individual fruit? Are you purposely (set aside appointment) spending time with Him everyday? Are you doing ANYTHING to remember what He tells you? How serious do you take His instructions to you? Does the Holy Spirit make you a better person? Do you manifest all 9 of His fruit in your life?
Stop playing with religion.