Normal spiritual life.

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

I know …I talk a lot about the Holy Spirit. If you’ve been under His individual tutelage then you now have a sense of how the Trinity treat one another. The Holy Spirit ALWAYS points us to Jesus IN everything. Jesus points us to the Father. And the Father glorifies the Son and gives the Holy Spirit to anyone who asks. It is a relationship of love. There is NO competition, pride, or secret selfish agendas within ANY of the Three. They ALWAYS have been, are, and will be … pure love.

If the Holy Spirit is teaching you – then He is teaching you about Jesus Christ. To the Holy Spirit Jesus IS the subject. Jesus didn’t DO or say anything but what He observed His Father saying or doing. It is a marvelous and mysterious relationship that definitely is NOT human.

We are to be about introducing our human brothers and sisters to Jesus. We are to be about making disciples. How do we do that? Discipleship takes relationship and LOTS of time hanging out together in every type of situation, so that the disciple sees, hears, and observes … you and how you allow the Holy Spirit to reign within your life … in all things. Kind of like a child with a parent. Older teaching the younger. The more spiritually mature teaching the new creation(s) in Christ. This does not usually happen in a theater experience only on Sunday mornings. Do you only teach your children in that type of environment? Or does it happen in every kind of circumstance and every part of the day – just like Jesus did with His disciples?

If you really want to know Jesus then you have to be listening to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wants to lead you to the ‘inner court’ of spirituality. He wants to show you Jesus like you haven’t known Him before. This usually happens when you least expect it … and you are actually open to it … and not in the habit of dismissing Him. This discipleship happens through lots of common conversations with willing hearts and real questions from those who truly want to learn. Are you asking the Holy Spirit all of your spiritual questions? Are you asking Him everyday type of common questions? Are you seeking Him out as your main Teacher? Are your human mentors and elders continually pointing you to the Holy Spirit for answers to all of your questions?

Who is discipling you? Who are you discipling? Who is a spiritually mature elder you can go to with your questions? Who comes to you with spiritual questions and life advice? These things won’t end this side of heaven. We will always be seeking Him and growing.

It’s not religion … it’s normal relational spiritual life. For we are spirit, soul, and body.

1 thought on “Normal spiritual life.”

  1. Well said my friend. And lots of good questions to peek a readers curiosity and get them thinking.
    I like the insight into the triune nature of God. Because it’s so misunderstood and misrepresented.
    It’s time for people think deeper into the kingdom and about the kingdom

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