New Things

You have heard; now see all this;
    and will you not declare it?
From this time forth I announce to you new things,
    hidden things that you have not known. Isaiah 48:6

New things. They can be exciting and they can be frustrating. Doing new things after being in a pattern or habit for a long time can be difficult especially as we age. Just look at older folks with the latest technology. Yet – God will lead us into new things. That can be scary for some, and for others it can be taken as a challenge to overcome. This is when we have to rely heavily on the Holy Spirit for direction and instruction; for Him to step us through the process and help us overcome our fears. Usually new things also have a new level of risk involved, and mistakes happen much more frequently when everything is new. So …we need His grace for we WILL mess it up, as we navigate new territory. Can you give yourself ‘grace’ in those times? So …we need to look, listen, and learn… even when we’re old.

Why am I thinking on these things? Because the Lord is lately having me do LOTS of new things, in new places, with new technology. Lots of it can be daunting, but I’ve always been one to like adventures, and I understand to just take things slower now than I use to. And I know I WILL make mistakes. I guess God expects to teach this old dog some new tricks, as only He can do. New projects that will require bringing back very old skills with a new twist adding in technology. Is the Lord asking you to do some new things too? Is He stretching you in ways that aren’t so familiar and comfortable? Life with the Holy Spirit when He is allowed to ‘take point’ in our lives can REALLY become an adventure with LOTS of new things.

Are you willing to climb out of your comfortable ‘boat’ and go with Him where you’ve never gone before? Talk about mixed metaphors! Hah! Can Jesus get you to ‘walk’ with Him where you never thought possible? It will take Him holding your hand, and you not becoming distracted or giving in to your fear. Keeping your eyes on Him is absolutely necessary when going into new things. So how is that practically done? By listening to the Voice of the Holy Spirit within you at every step of the way. It is vitally important that we continue honing our listening skills with Him. Being attentive to His smallest instructions.

New things can really become exciting if we’ve learned to trust Him. That’s the key. Trusting Him means you’ve been tested in those things He’s asked you to do and you have found Him faithful. When God gives you new things you will immediately be tested and challenged, so do you trust Him through that process?

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